I vote thumb dlown the ones that i dong like

Press cancel on your toaster before it finishes so that you can eat faster

Say something smart in class, then worry your friends will rip ony uo for it half way through saying it, so end it by saying "or something like that."

When pooping I always fold my TP before. Anyone else do that? I also always have 4 squares each XD Email me if you do it :P mr.michaelgiorgio@gmail.com

When I'm riding in the car, I'll spot a tree, make it my goal and try to beat the car on the opposite side of the road to it. (Seriously I don't think anyone else does this!)

Doing something private and think "What if my mom/dad/boss etc. saw me now?"

When serving grilled steak, I always make sure I get the best one.

When you have the " If I'm on an elevator and it breaks and is about to crash at the bottom, and I jump up before it does, will I live?" thought.

When I make croissants from the Pillsbury can, I'll take one of the little triangles and eat it, because I like the consistency of dough, and i like the fizzy feeling of the yeast on my tongue.

when you say something and they go what? so you repeat it and they still didn't hear but once you say "forget it" they suddenly understood you perfectly.

Pretend you and your classmates are in a Hunger Games scenario.

Taking the little rings off the top of my bottles.

when my mum buys way too much of something I imagine were one of those 'doomsday preppers' families, with mounds of supplies in our basement.

Flush the toilet right before done peeing so when you're done, the toilet and your pee has been flushed.

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

Wish that Mexicans would go fix things in their own country instead of coming here unwelcome and demanding things instead.

get embarrassed when someone is in the public bathroom, and your shit makes a splash in the toilet

I seriously contemplate what my theme song would be. I imagine it would have no words and a slight Mission Impossible influence.

sometimes i close my eyes and i rub them to see psychedelic drawings

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

Believing in the kindness of strangers

Waiting alone inside a public toilet for someone to come in and open the door.... so you don't have to touch the handle!

Go on this site to feel normal.

really wonder why there is so much talk about pooping and farting on this site

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.