Playing hide-and-seek and finding the best spot ever, only to realize you have to pee

smell your socks cause you like the smell of your own sweat

when i piss in the toilet, i flush half way through and race the toilet to the finish.

jack off

Play Minecraft

Try to put in USB drive into computer, and no matter what, always ends up trying to put it in upside-down the first time.

Being able to think about great ideas for the world, but not being able to get a math problem done.

Having that feeling of entering the wrong classroom or bus, even though you know it is the right one.

When something funny happens think of it a couple days later than laugh,everyone then looks at me weirdly.

Thinking that out there, on this earth in a lost city, there is an awesome clone of you.

Stick ur thumb between ur first and middle finger without realizing it

When you know your alone, you still have to check the whole house.

Having to poop in a certain way to avoid your ass sucking it in again. If it all comes out in one go, the cleaning becomes a lot easier and more satisfying.

Reflection and deep thoughts about the origin of life and the universe when showering

eat chicken, lamb anything with bones with a knife and fork while avoiding using your hands because it makes them dirty

Running round the house like I'm Lara croft or someone from a video game :D it's fun

When you're lying in bed and you fart, you pull the covers over your head to smell it.

Whenever I get sweaty I put baby powder around my groin area and under arms. Ramos

Sit on the back of the commode when at work to give yourself an impromptu break.

Not knowing whether to change it or not on a scantron test when the same letter appears more than 3 times in a row: A D C C C C .....but all the of my answers make sense!

You do a retarded dance when a song you don't like comes on

When im standing at a urinal and another guy was there before me and i still finish first i pretend like im still peeing so he wont think i have a bladder problem.

I really enjoy taking a shit and dont really know why.

Rereading a text message 25 times before you send it to make sure it makes sense.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.