Sit on the back of the commode when at work to give yourself an impromptu break.

Not knowing whether to change it or not on a scantron test when the same letter appears more than 3 times in a row: A D C C C C .....but all the of my answers make sense!

You do a retarded dance when a song you don't like comes on

When im standing at a urinal and another guy was there before me and i still finish first i pretend like im still peeing so he wont think i have a bladder problem.

I really enjoy taking a shit and dont really know why.

Rereading a text message 25 times before you send it to make sure it makes sense.

When a room is dark and the light is really far away, I close my eyes to feel my way to the lamp.

Take a side of bacon and jack off watching Babe.

See someone thats so hot all you can think about is seeing them naked all day.

I'm in my twenties and still don't drive.

Having the TV turned on when using my laptop or else the silence will make me feel like someone is in my house trying to kill me.

Tough but loving hands!! Mmm them calluses tho!! ^_^

When you walk across a cross walk and you stretch your steps so it takes one step for each line, yet you still try to look casual because ur in public

When something weird happens I nod in agreement.

I tend to stand in front of mirrors and stare at myself to the point of my face changing to a more evil look than normal and freaking myself out, and forcing myself to either look away, or down.

Do a light cough when in the toilet when there isn't no lock on the door so Ur stop someone walking in!!!

I don't use my car air conditioning because I think it's wasteful and it might "run-out" when I'm REALLY, REALLY hot.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

When the T.V switches to commercial sometimes I forget what I was watching Noel

When you had a crush on a girl in elementary school, then don't see her in middle school and think of how much of a bitch she was. Then You start crushing on her again in high school.

When watching a video or listening to music, take earbuds out four or five times in repetition to make sure that no one can hear the audio but you, then check them again when someone comes within twenty feet of you. Then, spend the rest of the time feeling awkward and expecting someone to jump out of the bushes and take a video of that idiot with the defective headphones.

I combine every item on my plate in all the possible ways, then i eat the worst part of the meal and save the best part til last.

fart and talk thinking it will cover the smell

Clenching your teeth subconsciously, then wondering why your teeth hurt so much afterwards.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.