When watching the news and see all those children and other innocent people die at wars, in my mind I shout at God and ask him why he doesn't give me the sign and my powers to save the world. J.C.

I feel like I'm superman every time I run by the counter in the kitchen and the papers on it go flying off.

Think that everything you do is life is being recorded by secret cameras and you're on a reality show. But you don't actually know. The Truman Show. -Robert

when u start laughing then start clapping and look like a seal

when liking something you like or dislike something you click it twice even though you know it will only take one vote

Making gang signs out the window when your parents let you ride in the front seat

Think something you shouldn't about someone, stop thinking about it in case they read your mind, and then, as an added precaution, think "I know you listening".

squezzing moisturisure/tooth paste really hard cos the top is all dry and then a shit load comes out all at once

Hide important things in places at home but forget later where you hid them.

Run into a wall and say "I'm sorry" and then realize that it's just a wall.

Clicking Yes to "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service" without reading one word of that stupid thing.

While listening to songs, your always thinking of a situation to go along with it.

before going to a party, i rehearse the conversations i expect to have with the people who will be there (even though those conversations never actually happent)

I fill my bathtub up with marinara and then sit curled up in it and pretend that I am a meatball.

Accidentally make a weird noise and quickly turn around frantically to see if anyone else hear it.

Can't stop tears from comeing to your eyes when singing

Check the toilet paper after every wipe.

Everytime my sibling starts a sentance with "I remember when","I have an idea"etc.,I get up and walk out.

I put big spaces in between comments

When I Was Little I Always Slept On My Stomach Even If I Wasn't Comfortable Because I Thought It Would Be Harder For Aliens To Abduct Me.

Shudder when someone bites down on icey poll or an ice cube

Sometimes when I'm sitting next to a random person having a conversation with them (in the car for instance) I imagine myself reaching out and holding their hand. I then get super embarrassed just for having the thought.

Make a screeching noise with my mouth as I go around corners in my car too fast.

I go to the fridge, see that there is nothing I want to eat in it, and then go back to it a minute later hoping that something I like has materialized

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.