if I see submissions above mine get thumbs up but not mine I will put them down

Turn shower water all the way up hot before getting out because it feels good

When receiving instructions from people one on one, whether it's a man or a woman, I wonder what they would do if I kissed them while they are talking.

I have a cat that drops on it's side when she sees me coming

Moving my bottom jaw around slightly makes me feel like I have dog-like ears and I'm moving them around.

Sometimes I think of doing really bad things and smirk, only to later regret even thinking of it and start questioning myself while feeling bad about it.

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

If I have a black surface I scratch my dandruff onto and make a dandruff galaxy.

Say ow when I bang something I'm caring into something, even though I didn't get hurt at all. -B

Pee while setting down even if your a dude.

Give a 'thumbs up' or a 'thumbs down' based strictly on how much you like the number it will change it to.

Getting bored when a page is loading and scrolling the wheel on your mouse back and forth one click.

Fantasize about shooting one of those trucks that have some sort of liquid in them and watching them blow up.

I really enjoy spending my birthday alone. I never told anyone that.

Feel really paranoid until my game score is a multiple of 5

Keep trying to defend your point even after you've realized you're wrong in an argument

thinking that everybody in the world (except me) has a device which shows them what i am doing, watching and makes them feel what i am feeling

Put toilet paper in the toilet before I'm going to take a shit, so that the toilet won't get dirty.

when something on the internet is loading really long i close all the other tabs so my computer can concentrate only on one thing and then i get annoyed because i have to open up all the tabs again

Sometimes I'll think about something that's so weird nobody would ever do it, and then i figure there's a big chance somebody did it at least once in history.

you forget your phone when going to the bathroom, so you search for a shampoo bottle or anything to read or play with in reach.

Wanting to marry Tyler Joseph but then you remember he's married :(

When looking at a digital clock that counts down to seconds, I wait until the seconds are an even number, then I try to say each number in order twice before it changes.

When I'm home alone, I pretend I'm famous, and pretend I'm doing a television or magazine interview, and answer out loud to questions I ask in my head

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.