Surfing nsfw subreddit at work

I post morals under every one of my new comments. Moral: Duh, I am moral man ffs! What do you expect! Its awesome! If things go at this phase I will be a celebrity in... hmm... in never!

in the morning the first thing I do is pick my nose n eat it n then I smell my discharge

.don't like something because being scared that it appears on my wall.

Say you're not hungry at a friend's house when his/her parents offer you food, even though you're starving

When I'm running a bath I sometimes sit and look at myself in the mirror and act out conversations with people I've never talked to or celebrities, and when I say something that sounds good I'll repeat it over and over again until I nail huge emotions on my face.

Have a dream about somebody being mean to me. Proceed to be mean to them in real life.

Instead of scratching my balls with my hand I rub them vigorously on the bed

I feel bad for not reading the terms of service on a website, because someone had to put a lot of effort into that.

Having a deja vu, swearing you've seen something before.

try to count down when the school be is going to ring.

When i get a back shiver. That's when i know something bad going to happen.

Take everything out of the fridge, and climb in it, and pretend your in a time capsule.

Smoking a cigarette on the toilet and then accidentally ashing directly into your panties. Everytime.

I turn on the faucet or turn up the radio in the bathroom so maybe no one can hear me pee.

You're taking a poo, and you're bored. You use your thighs as drums to pass the time.

When bored you watch the minute hand on a clock and try to see if you can see it move

in my eyes all my friends have an easier life than myself. their exams are easier, their teacher are cooler...

eat cake in a bowl with milk the way you would eat a bowl of cereal

Ever dreamt of being naked and then waking up in horror.

i use dental dams

Sometimes I think that I'm a character in The Sims 3 and someone is controlling everything I do.

When I wanted to sit on chair or anything, I'll wipe them first, in case there is something sticked on them

Laugh harder when trying to explain what you are laughing about

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.