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I'm in a hurry I press the elevator button several times

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because fuck the NSA.

Put a few bits of toilet paper in the toilet before having a poo so there is no splash!

Thinking about what you want to dream about while brushing your teeth at night.

Take out all the marshmallows in a bowl of Lucky Charms, eat the "cat food" (the dry cereal that looks like dry kitty food!), then put the marshmallows back in the milk and eat them!

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

When i feel the back of my right hand starting to itch. in a few days, i get some money. When the back of my left hand itches.Some money goes.

On YouTube, if someone comments a time in the video (or in the description) I always click it for fun, even if it doesn't work. Like if someone comments "it's 4:12 right now" on a 2 minute video I click the link.

Look to the right, and see nothing. Look to the left, and see nothing. Look to the right again, and see the chick from the ring (or some scary shit) standing there.

I split my gum in half so I can chew on both sides.

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

Get soo scared in the shower when your home alone that you are scared to open the curtain just incase somebody is out tthere

I don't know why but I really wish I can ride a bike or drive a car through a shopping mall.

When you're out for a run, you pretend that someone is chasing after you so you run harder.

play on your game for ten minutes before you realise why you stoppedd the last time

Think about what you're going to tell your kids about your childhood when you grow-up.

Think of a bunch of "things you think only you do" after you leave the site

when u were younger and closed the fridge door super slowly 2 c when the light turned off

One time I went to my old primary school and while I was there I needed the toilet. So I go use the schools and was shocked at how small everything was I guess because I haven't been there in a while

Reach my hand inside the room to turn the light on before I go in.

At the gym, I always try to do 5 pounds more than the previous person.

sometimes if I am going on a flight to another country I will hold a small pocket of air in my mouth before getting on the plane and then I would let it out after we land

Wish that Mexicans would go ruin their own country instead of ruin ours.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.