My bedroom is at the end of the house, so when I turn the light out and sprint to the lounge room, thinking Jeff the Killer could get me...

I got a lot of high rated entries, but they dont contain Moral: This.

if im somewhere and say i get a itchy ass,i would say to a friend whilst sctatching " i have the itchyist but whole in the world right now" jokingly. but then think to myself, i wonder if there is someone in the world right now at the same time as me who has actually got a itchyer butt lol

Think about all of the germs that are on restroom doors and water taps.

I thought I was disgusting until I read the top voted things here. Floral: Actually pretty neat.

If I'm walking with or behind someone I always match their footsteps

Sometimes I pee sitting down and act like i'm a girl.

When taking a dump in a public restroom, if someone else walks in, I wait until they leave the restroom before finishing up and leaving the stall, just to make sure they don't see who I am.

I find that whenever I go somewhere it always seems to take longer than when I come back home

Read through all these posts and get all excited when you see things that you thought only you did

Blink and pretend that you just took a picture with your eyes.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I know it is pointless but still hope to get THUMBS UP

When in bed, I fold a small section of the covers in my hand to make a point and poke my fingers with it.

Say you're not hungry at a friend's house when his/her parents offer you food, even though you're starving

Love the natural smell of my dog's paws.

After eating a banana I leave the last bit that was in the bottom

Mix my coffee with the spoon upside down.

I don't care about who a celebrity dates or marries. Why should I?

When I was younger I would image a band that played the songs on the radio that was strapped to the roof of the car during long car rides.

After having an argument with your partner you text them later then halfway thru the text you forget hat you were going to say back track and tell them you love them! "didn't matter really did it lol"

when walking up to an automatic door, you sweep your hand towards to the door when it opens, you feel like the Force is with you.

Yelling my cats name in my mind to see if i can get him to look at me using the power of my mind

turn on my reading light when I get in bed just to check if there's a monster.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.