read some comments here and wonder if people really do that

Change my music to something cooler than the song im listening to when i pass by other kids my age

I always wonder if anyone has a crush on me.

When i need to poop i place toilet paper over the water so it doesn't splash up and hit my rectum.

Cover up the webcam on my laptop because I think someone might be watching me through it.

When I wait for something to load, I right click and then quickly try to drag a box around the right click box before it disappears. Then I try to right click and drag and see if I can outline the right click box before it appears.

Thinking you could be in a "Truman Show" style scenario and scanning areas of your house and possessions for tiny little cameras and microphones.

While I am busy working I like to have music playing and while I type I type to the song and its beat

Have to have a certain light in the bathroom to poop. Also, nobody can be anywhere near me.

Sometimes, when I'm alone and it's dark outside, I like to cover my body in petroleum jelly and pretend to be a slug.

Walk into a public bathroom and go to the urinal, but then stop and think theres some guy who will perv on you and then go in the cubicle.

When you think about your life then think your parents had to have sex to make you. Then start thinking about all the gross old teachers you've had that probably had sex. Then when you get older your parents tell you about all the times they had sex when you were in the house.

I think about fat women while poking my skinny girlfriend

If I'm home alone, I tell myself good night when I am getting cozy in bed. I even use my name.

I sleep naked cauz It's dead sexy.

Think of the best come-backs ever, a few seconds after the time to use them would be.

Pretend animals talk to you!

When someones talking to a group of people that I'm in and says something bad that I do but think nobody else does, I stand perfectly still and don't blink and breath as quietly as possible until the next subject arrives.

I can't leave the volume on anything on a odd number.

Never tell her who I was talking to on the phone and watch her nosy butt get upset

Use reverse psychology on the rain to make it slow down or speed up.

In my head, my life is some kind of on-going documentary about my life. Sometimes when I'm alone, I conduct interviews.

Peeing in the shower

After using the restroom at someone's house I turn on the water and proceed to check myself in the mirror while the water runs and sounds like I'm washing my hands then I turn off the water and walk out.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.