Pretend you and your classmates are in a Hunger Games scenario.

Taking the little rings off the top of my bottles.

when my mum buys way too much of something I imagine were one of those 'doomsday preppers' families, with mounds of supplies in our basement.

Flush the toilet right before done peeing so when you're done, the toilet and your pee has been flushed.

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

Wish that Mexicans would go fix things in their own country instead of coming here unwelcome and demanding things instead.

get embarrassed when someone is in the public bathroom, and your shit makes a splash in the toilet

I seriously contemplate what my theme song would be. I imagine it would have no words and a slight Mission Impossible influence.

sometimes i close my eyes and i rub them to see psychedelic drawings

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

Believing in the kindness of strangers

Waiting alone inside a public toilet for someone to come in and open the door.... so you don't have to touch the handle!

really wonder why there is so much talk about pooping and farting on this site

Thinking something embarrassing, then having to talk to someone and suddenly getting worried you are about to blurt out your thoughts

I pretend I'm a really popular YouTuber and talk to nobody thinking they're my subscribers.

Back away as much as I can from airplane toilets before flushing them because the noise scares me

I really like the day I was born even though there is nothing special about it like Dec 25 or May 20 (Christmas or Independence day)

after a shower, try to shake the water off.

Sometimes, when I like something on a certain website and see that someone else on my facebook friend's list likes it as well, I think that they're stalking me.

okay,So we bought a 1000 piece puzzle and made a point to put it together when it was done we found that it was missing a piece so we went back to the same store bought the same puzzle and went through it until we found the missing piece then returned it.

Whenever I hear someone say a word in a way that I like, I repeat it.

If someone uses a term thats like, in the know, and they ask if i know what it means, ill act like, of course ido, even if i dont, and then ill go home and look it up.

After going to the bathroom, flush the toilet than hurry out of the bathroom and walk fast past a certain line going across the floor or make an imaginary line on the floor before the toilet fully flushes.

Find something you dislike about your face/body and instantly compare it with every person you meet from then on

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.