i use my thumb when using a DS instead of using the stylus

if i put my shirt on backwards, instead of taking my shirt off and putting it on right, i pull my arms in and just spin my shirt.

I trap my farts under the covers and sniff them all up or cup them in my hand and sniff real hard to get the smell.

Leave the television on in my room when I go to bed, so I have some light and I can't hear all the creepy sounds that houses make.

Sometimes when I'm watching a sitcom, I get distracted from the jokes because the characters are in a bedroom and I start focusing on the awesome stuff they have.

When i'm done sleeping, I wake up.

Set Fire to the Rain

I sometimes feel someone is watching me and speak towards it in a calming tone, only to again speak to myself telling myself im just being silly... only to turn my head and look behind me just in case.

I am a BIG TIME movie talker. I always ask questions that people obviously don’t know the answer to like, “Where is he going?” “I thought they were friends?” “Wait.. Is she mad?” “Is that guy the killer?” Although people seem to tolerate me, I do promise that it is completely on accident. I don’t even realize I do it. –Ikka.

check for spiders under the toilet seat before taking a dump

Think that some minutes feel shorter than others

I hate being called "buddy".

accidently sleep on my arm and it falls asleep

When you get in trouble, think of what you could have said or done so you could've gotten away with it.

Pull the curtain right to the end so there are no gaps just in case some weirdo at night decides to look in my window.

Randomly agree for the Terms of Service for just about everything on the internet. Then becoming very frightened at the thought that you have violated them in some way.

Wheneveri brush my teeth, I make a snarling face.

When I am driving and I see another car being pulled over I think "Oh, so I am not the only one"

While trying to sleep I obsess over the little red LED on the TV set which I can't even see unless I lift my head from the pillow.

When I'm making a weird face, I remind my self to stop before it gets stuck like that.

When I was younger I started doing a weird habit of playing music and spinning around in circles in my room... .. I still do it to this day.

Try to give my download speed moral support: "You can do it! YES, just stay there!" For anyone out there struggling with slow internet.. I feel your pain

i take words i just read or said and sing them to the tune of a song

Peel my mandarin oranges in one try

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.