Sometimes at night, I find myself imagining people I know saying my name, trying to get my attention in my head. They won't stop until I respond out loud.

When in a room with a bunch of people, see the one person who's extremely cute and then get a random boner and think "GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY"

I have a feeling that life is a Video Game for another Universe. When the player looks at their computer screen, they see what I see. They control everything I do. Like The Sims games. Everyone else is either other players in a multiplayer server, or they are are all fake, computer players.

Constantly refresh your email page even though you know nothing will appear.

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'whores-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

when i pass a grave yard, i am compelled to hold my breath

Wonder why there are sites like this.

While in the shower, after ive used soap and stuff i turn the water to cold and i pretend im on fear factor and close my eyes so i cannot see what i am trying to get while crawling through freezing cold water

resting your head from your face to your hand and then you realize you face now looks disfigured.

When I blow my nose I think I'm blowing my brains out and certain parts of things I learned at school are going into the tissue and will be forgotten forever.

I say that girl's name I have a crush on right before I go to sleep because I want her to be the last thing I think about, and then wake up realizing that it was super creepy... Only to do it again the next night

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually in a coma and that everything is just a dream and my parents are standing over me watching me and wishing their daughter was awake

When I'm in a car holding a handheld device (iPod, Cell Phone, etc.) I have a feeling I will randomly throw it out the open window. I would never do this, but I'm still afraid I might.

When I walk the streets after getting a new haircut, I think everybody's staring at me and thinking "oh my god she got a new haircut" eventhough they didn't know me before.

when my parents are gone i shout random stuff

when you wave at a car thinking its someone you know and it ends up being some old lady.

When I am at amusement parks I look and determine which guys I could beat up and which I couldn't.

when your doing something or going somewhere you think didn't I already do this, like your back in time.

Look at pictures of people who lived a long time ago and wonder how they lived without television and the Internet.

Touching that door knob three times before opening the door.

Make odd grunting noises and sighs of relief while going #2.

Cover the built in webcam on my laptop when I'm using it with a folded piece of paper just in case

realize that no one is listening to me talk so I say something completely random to try and get there attention

Give vocal commentary on the song I just played when I'm the only one in the car.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.