Sometimes when I'm sitting next to someone I start thinking stuff about him/her, making fun of their clothes in my mind or something. Then I have a feeling that maybe that person can read thoughts and immediately start thinking about something else, and avoid eye contact until one of use leaves

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Date your English paper so it looks like you did it earlier (rather than saving it for the last minute).

Always think good thoughts before I go to bed so that I have good dreams

You're taking a poo, and you're bored. You use your thighs as drums to pass the time.

When in a public bathroom, flush the toilet right before your shit falls into the water, so no one will hear.

Lay down in bed and get comfortable and then realize you have to pee.

Remember some homework I have to do... On the day that it's due.

Avoid as many television commercials as I can

I meow when my cat meows.

Post on this website, then give yourself the first thumbs up to kick-start your success.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

When i get a back shiver. That's when i know something bad going to happen.

Saying something stupid and then claiming it was an inside joke so you don't look stupid.

Whenever I go to the toilet on an airplane I worry that during the time I'm there the plane will drop out the sky.

look at bins as i walk past them

Left alone Big noise, people aren't expected back as soon so grab baseball bat and charge only to find them back early...."what you doing?" "batting my socks around practising my baseball skills"

Gotta sleep with a fan.

Okay so probably like everyone else, when Schapelle Corby was found with drugs on her in bali I thought she was innocent but now since she was let out of the prison I am wondering if she did do it?

When i'm eating M&Ms, I save one of each color until the end so I can eat them all at once.

Watch a familiar movie, and then freak out when you see a suspensful part, only to later realize that there was no point in getting worked up since you already know what happens.

Feel like something is behind you/watching you, run to your room super quickly and get into the room before that something gets you

Sometimes I think my shit smells delicious... and I cant believe I am actually not only typing it here, but "finally" admitting it to myself.

I love myself, my wife, the threesomes, and I STILL spend time with you! Moral: Which must mean YOURE WINNER! AND STUFF! Either that or you are a sad fuck, cant argue...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.