daydream/pretend i'm in a story. pretend to be a new person in a movie where all the cool main characters are my friends, add to the movie with my own story and add twists and make it my own.

Sometimes I blink and act like I am taking a picture with my eyes.

right before I go to sleep, I think about a certain situation. so I will dream about that

talking on the phone with somebody and then spending 10 minutes or so looking for your phone...

I always feel as if someone is always watching me on a screen where ever I am, and every person in the world is also being watched as well

When I'm riding in a car, i squeeze my toes everytime the car passes a dotted line in the road or when theres a curb

Say to yourself "I really should get that work done" then do nothing about it

It takes me a whole afternoon to write an important/professional email cause i keep thinking about what I should and should not write and it gets so stupidly difficult I take one hour breaks between every sentence.

Opening the fridge door, then trying to accomplish pouring a drink, before the door seals itself forever leaving the cola to the mercy of the outside world.

Seeing an acquaintance who you would feel awkward talking to in a public place, knowing they see you as well, and pretending not to see them, while hoping they pretend not to see you as well.

when you hear "tartar sauce" you think that it's actually made from tartar -MATT

If there's a mirror i look if there's people around looking at me, and if there aren't it's ok to stare at my reflection.

Dad, what's that dark place over there? That's Chorley son, you must never go there.

Use the letters on my phone to make words to help me remember important numbers

Someone asks a question and you say "what?" and then answer them because you actually heard but didn't realize it.

If I see the same model of vehicle as mine in a parking lot, I get overly excited if I manage to get a parking spot next to it. Extra points for same color or type (i.e. quad cab vs regular cab).

Whenever I'm outside playing a sport or something I pretend I have a tv show and I'm giving the audience a tutorial on how to do whatever I'm doing.

I used to drive home from my girlfriend's house late at night and stop on a stretch of road to take a leak. I'd walk backwards while peeing, creating a crooked line of pee in the road. I'd add to it night after night, then I'd drive by in the day to see my long pee stain in the road only I knew about. Anyone who passed by could see it, but only I knew what it was. It would last until the next rain and I'd have to start over.

This is kind of embarrassing... after I watched "Truman Show" I went home and talked to my mirror like Jim Carrey does in the film.

My hands are always so cold and clamy at school, when I go on dates, and when im with friends. But, of course, when im at home, they.are.normal. :l

I love the feeling of covering my entire body in Barbisol shaving cream,shaving my cock n balls,then masturbating.have you ever done this?

I sometimes wonder if im the only living person on earth and everyone else is just there in order to affect my existance -Henry

Make jokes about yourself on the period: "dear god, this is the 5th day I`m bleeding and I`m sill not dead. What kind of monster am I?" ...not funny... :)

I have seen a UFO

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.