Play as both sides on fifa

make sure you hit every crack in the sidewalk evenly. slowly over time, you discover that you found an awkward walking pace to match the obsession.

when you mouth words (but saying them out loud) when someone can't hear you

When you're scared of the bathroom and you close your eyes you quickly look around to check if there's a monster or something in the mirror

When walking outside by myselff and listening to music, I mouth the words and pretend im the singer of the song in their music video.

i eat choclate buns on easter for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I tend to ignore phone calls, even when I know the phone call could be important.

after i take a poop i stand up turn around and piss on my poop to try to split it in half

I carry more money in my wallet than it appears, I just tuck some away because I think that if I can't see it and have to go through the trouble to get it out- then I won't spend it.

After you wipe your butt and crotch with a towel, you dont want the towel to touch your face. Next night, dry your face and head first.

I always leave a little coffee in the pot so that it becomes someone elses problem

Drive slow in straightaways and fast through curves, especially sharp ones.

When dunking oreos I like to hold it under the milk and watch the bubbles til they stop

The only time I seem to look at the clock is when the numbers read my birth date.

I post morals under every one of my new comments. Moral: Duh, I am moral man ffs! What do you expect! Its awesome! If things go at this phase I will be a celebrity in... hmm... in never!

Play call of duty then go around shooting everyone in your mind for the rest of the day

Have a dream about somebody being mean to me. Proceed to be mean to them in real life.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <<

When home alone, you feel the need to turn on every light/appliance so you won't hear the serial killer who you are sure hides in your basement

When I'm sitting on the toilet, I try to make piss and crap come out at the same time.

Fantasize about taking over the world, and killing all religious people.

Pronouncing 'garage' as 'grozhh'

do a fake cough when my shit is falling in the toilet

When I stop thinking about about something it'll turn out that I've been staring at someone without meaning to.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.