misread flashlight

Sitting on the toilet and feel devastated I forgot my smartphone and then spending the rest of my time on the toilet thinking about how boring it is without my smartphone.

Pick giant boogers and eat them.

Opens new book to random page. Reads snippet. Smiles to myself when I reach it 1 week later. -epsin

Walking around store and store clerk asks are you finding everything ok..and you reply yes and you...

*Sees bug on wall while taking shower* *Splashes with shower water* *Bug slides down wall* >_

Use my phone to see what time it is

When I'm home alone, I start hearing random noises and think someone is breaking in.

When I'm in a room with other people, no matter who they are, I make myself choose the person I would tolerate the best having sex with just in case of a disaster and we need to procreate.

I poop on the side of my house in the morning so I do not have to make noise then come back in.

Sometimes while texting or messaging, I enact the physical gestures that accompany what I'm saying as if it were an in-person conversation, even though no one can see me.

When I go up the stairs, I always have to end on my right foot. If I have to, I will even hop on one foot on the last stair in order to land on it.

Create scenarios when you are standing around/ waiting for someone in public (ie. pretending you are sending a text to someone), in fear of what people may think if they see you standing around doing nothing.

Sitting down on the toitlet to pee (being a male). It's so comfortable when you're tired. Also: Wonder if there's a female version of this, where girls stand up to take a piss. Just curiosity.

Sunday's are making me feel depressed.

Feeling guilty for something you haven't done.

Sometimes when my mom is aking me something and then i tell her the truth i start smirking automatically as if i'd be lying because i don't know how to make a serious face

If I'm walking in the mall and realize I'm going in the wrong direction, I can't just double back, 'cause everyone would think I'm dumb for going in the wrong direction. Instead, I perform a slow U-turn to the other side of the walkway; either that or pretend to get an important text/phone call that forces me to do the quick turnaround. SAVE!

Boy:did it hurt? Me: Did what hurt? Boy:When you fell from heaven. Me: I came frome the pits of hell! Boy: Well then...O__O

Whenever I leave a phone message, I feel like I'm leaving the last message I will every leave to my family in my life because I will somehow die soon. I've watched too much drama.

Tried to suck ur own penis

Whenever I Iook into the mirror, I think there's a second evil dimension.

Agree with someones ridiculous political opinion just to avoid an argument.

Constantly look at all clocks when the minute hand/digit reads '11'

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.