"Oh, that was a messed up thought, probably shouldn't think about it again or something worse because---GODDAMN IT."

I have short haircuts so I don't have messed up hair in the morning (It's a real time saver)

i leave tv on when i sleep...cant close it cause i hate to hear....noices...in my bedroom that cant identify......

I masturbate with sandpaper

I sniff my finger after I scatch my bunghole lol

While waiting on someone I check my phone and if there is no new message I just read old ones, just to be occupied and don't look stupid or lost

I prefer to go to the bathroom with the door open.

Fantasizing about your friends in like 25 years telling there teenage kids about growing up and being friends with you. When you are a huge rich and famous star.

Imagining yourself in the "Last Supper" scene. (in Jesus's spot matter of fact)

Whenever I hear a baby or a young child scream very loud, I imagine that their head will explode.

think that the whole world is a dollhouse and we are being controlled by giant people above who live in a whole differnt world

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Anytime I walk in anyplace with cracks in the ground (tiled floors, cement squares, etc.) I do my best to avoid stepping on cracks in fear of something happening if I do.

Hope that one day your closet will have a secret world like Narnia...

Sometimes when I look in the mirror I act out a scene like Tyra banks coming up to me and asking me to be on America's next top model.

Consume skin around finger nails. Cuticle too.

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When I'm laying in bed in the dark and I close my eyes for a while then when I open them again I quickly scan for a light source just to make sure I can still see.

when your professor describes their wife or husband you imagine their wife or husband.

misread flashlight

Sitting on the toilet and feel devastated I forgot my smartphone and then spending the rest of my time on the toilet thinking about how boring it is without my smartphone.

Pick giant boogers and eat them.

Opens new book to random page. Reads snippet. Smiles to myself when I reach it 1 week later. -epsin

Walking around store and store clerk asks are you finding everything ok..and you reply yes and you...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.