On the bus think in your mind "I know you're reading my mind right now," and look for reactions.

Write angry notes into your search browser in case any Russian spies are watching.

When you're in your late teens, you blare the car stereo when driving near girls that are walking. When you grow up, you turn the radio down in fear that you look like a tool bag.

Try to put in USB drive into computer, and no matter what, always ends up trying to put it in upside-down the first time.

Have deja vu while talking to someone and then stop listening to what they are saying for a few seconds till the feeling passes, then nod like you have been listening the whole time.

Try and accomplish something before the timer on the microwave beeps :)

try to get abs by doing the stupidest things

I read these not only for fun, but to feel in touch with my humanity.

Get sharp pains in your chest whenever you're watching or reading a sex scene.

At the gym, I always try to do 5 pounds more than the previous person.

When I was younger I used to think that Red bull was a drink that really did give you wings like they show in the commercials

Constantly look at all clocks when the minute hand/digit reads '11'

Go through funny pictures and memes on Facebook, and then accidently miss one and ten when you click to go back you have to go through like 5 more to get back to the one you want.

When in the shower, try to cross your arms and keep them as high up to your head as you can. Fill them with water and drink from it.

When talking to someone you sometimes start with the middle of a story through the end, complete with random details that seem totally unrelated to them, and THEN you remember to tell the beginning (which is the part that actually relates to what they were talking about).

Imagine that other people see colors different from me and if i had their brain i would see it like them

I only make the tv volume in multiples of 5.

When I loose something , I buy a new one, then continue to find the old one the next day.

I hate it whenever i hear Manny Paquiao saying "you know" in every interviews he make. Am i the only one who notice it?

Takes playful flirting way to seriouse.

right click refresh on desktop. Repeat

do math problems in my head while having sex to keep from coming

get scarred shit less when some one burst though your door when it tacky

I think about other women when having sex

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.