Look an ugly person up and down and try to think of ways that they can improve how they look. ( clothing, hair, and makeup)

seeing small spots in your eye (dust probably) and then chasing them with your eye trying to catch them

play Simpsons episodes in my head...way too often

get annoyed when the pop-up lid on the dish soap bottle is left up

When taking a pee instead of standing in front of the toilet stand in the side so if someone walks in they wont see your penis

Doing something, and someone asks you what you're doing, and you realize you can't remember. Then they walk off and the instant they're gone, you remember.

I put the volume on my television so it is on any number divisible by five (5-10-15 etc. etc.)

Suppress a sneeze and then walk around unsatisfied.

Pulling the same faces as the character you are reading currently is.

I lie in bed and when I get bored I try to convince myself that I'm lying at the other end

Create a post on this site, and then feel really depressed when I get a ton of thumbs down, even when I give MYSELF a thumbs up.

Not sure if im holding on to fart or shit

Everytime I get in my car at night, I turn the light on and check behind the back seats to see if there's anyone waiting for me. Then lock the doors when all is safe.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I flush the toilet if the water's green and I'm going to have a poo, so it doesn't splash me.

I have never disliked any video on YouTube with not many views ( no matter how bad it is ) because I feel bad for the uploader.

I used to shower with my cat which struggles like hell, even though it loves getting fucking filthy, one day it even bit my dick. I still shower with my cat.

Dip my pizza crust in my soda


Look at just about ANYTHING you see in the context of a zombie apocalypse. Example: strategizing escape routes and barricade points while you're walking down the hallway in school, or looking at something ordinary, like a baseball bat, and thinking, 'I could bash some zombie brains with that'

"I'll start tomorrow..." wake up and it has been a year later and I still haven't done it.

Wash my hands after i use the toilet.

Do a little half laugh, then when someone looks at you, you realise that it wasn't even funny so you pretend to be clearing your throat.

sometimes when I listen to a song while riding in the car I look out the window and pretend I'm in some angsty music video

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.