Peeing in the shower

hurting your foot and running around trying not to think of the pain!

When eating chips/cereal (out of the box)/any small snacks I put an even amount in my mouth and divide them evenly on each side of my mouth and chew them like that.

When I'm in a car holding a handheld device (iPod, Cell Phone, etc.) I have a feeling I will randomly throw it out the open window. I would never do this, but I'm still afraid I might.

I have always belived that I invented calling Target " Tar- jhay"

When I am bored, I imagine saving my crush' s life and we live happily ever after. :( what an idiot I am

after having a hot shower I sometimes just sit in my room wearing just a towel

I rearrange books, movies, etc. in the correct alphabetical order in the fiction section of my public library, other people's houses, classrooms at school, etc. Sometimes this process takes a very long time.

Can't stand it if something rubs against my knees up the way...if it happens i have to rub them down the way with my hands or they feel weird

watch raindrops race down a window and see which one wins

Rapidly click the mouse when your computer is frozen, even though you know it won't do anything to help whatsoever.

I wonder if we're actually just dolls and are being controlled by some little girl in her little doll house ....

I'm in computer class at school right now. I'm supposed to be making up for incomplete assignments. But I have been on Things only you think you do, Funny Exams, DIY Fail, Pointless Super powers, Explain this image, and Perfectly Time Photos all class class period. I just noticed these websites aren't blocked at school.

Sleep with pillow between legs

Accidentally try to downloade PC software on your mac.

I never look out the window at night because I'm afraid there will be an Alien staring at me when I move the curtains.

After texting someone, check your phone repeatedly to see if they responded

I actually get stuck watching those rediculous infomercials late at night... Yeah - you're not alone. But no, I don't buy anything either... Lol.

Try to think of something nice when then thinks I the scariest things

feel that the horsehead network captchas can read my mind. kind of scary.

Say 'WED', 'NES' and 'DAY' slowly in your head when spelling Wednesday.

Imagining a friend can see everything you do during the day through telepathy.

Accidentally scratching a surface and then scratching it again with the tops of your fingernails to even it out.

Thinking that out there, on this earth in a lost city, there is an awesome clone of you.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.