In my head, my life is some kind of on-going documentary about my life. Sometimes when I'm alone, I conduct interviews.

Skip peeing before bed because you dont feel like it, knowing that in about 15 minutes youre going to have to get back up because you wont be able to fall asleep until you go pee.

I talk excessively loud in public sometimes so people can hear my opinions. I'm just hoping someone's eavesdropping because I like the fact that they might agree with me and that they get to see a little bit of who I am. I don't even know these people.

Burglars have become very clever. Just last night my wife turned to me and said that she hears burglars downstairs so I got up quietly checked every room suddenly I realised that I don't have a wife.

When writing out something in the air, you mess up so you "wipe" out the mistake and then move to another piece of air because it's "cleaner".


When I'm home alone I open random doors to make sure nobodys there

I stay vigilant while i shower in case killer/zombies come into my house..

Find different ways to crack your knuckles when you're bored. (I have found 7 ways to crack a finger and I can crackj my hand back

Sleep with one leg on top of the covers and the rest of your body under them.

If there's leaves on the ground and the wind picks it up and makes like swirls I put my arms out to make it seem I'm controlling the swirls.

Someone asks a question and you say "what?" and then answer them because you actually heard but didn't realize it.

Try to move your head to line up specks on the windshield with objects outside.

Have to take the phone with you everytime to the bathroom

pissing really fast to remove shit stains in the toilet

When im blazed i like of all the stupid shit i did that day but always tell myself "its fine, i didnt feel dumb about those things sober"

Someone asks you "what's up" and you awkwardly reply "good".

Sometimes when my mom is aking me something and then i tell her the truth i start smirking automatically as if i'd be lying because i don't know how to make a serious face

I Never read the Terms of Service but click the box anyway .

When using the bathroom count the tiles on the floor or shower wall or read a shampoo bottle.

Feel like you sing wonderfully when you are alone, but feel like you sing horribly in front of others.

I fake laugh at peoples jokes when they're not funny to avoid akward moments.

I can't leave the volume on anything on a odd number.

Go on this site to feel normal.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.