
Put my finger over one pixel of my digital alarm clock, because I know that's the only one that will change in the next minute. Take it off. MAGIC.

ur parents never pay attention to u but when they do they r yelling at u

judge a spider on it's ability to hide from me and decide to let it survive if I consider it a clever hiding place, then get paranoid because the spider was smart.

I flick my boogers on the carpet knowing that I can just vacuum them up later.

I brush my teeth while im in the shower

When I'm laying in bed, I make sure that my feet are covered and not hanging off the edge so that monsters don't eat them in my sleep.

When i see people even strangers , in my mind i wonder if there virgins or not .

I will look up the definition of a word in a text message before I use it just incase I'm using it in the wrong context.

Go into a card shop, laugh hysterically at the funny ones, then leave. Then whilst walking down the street, you think of them again and burst out laughing. This is highly embarrassing when you're alone!

Fart after someone else farts sop that no one will know you did too.

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has a plastic bag full of plastic bags in your house

Wonder what would happen if you started screaming and defecating in public.

Legally changing your name to Peter Jankins just cuz

I apologize, when i bump against things.

I've had a problem all my life with people thinking I'm a boy, (I'm a girl) so when I first meet someone, my instinct is to find some reason, (however stupid) to say that I'm a girl, (EX: "Can you believe that people actually think I'm a boy?" like when I just meet them).

When a stripper sucks you so hard that the tip of your penis gets circumcised

Having a deja vu, swearing you've seen something before.

draw little triangles while coulouring in to make it seem that theres not so much work -jesse

as you walk down the street, you pretend that all of the people were zombies and you pretend you have a gun and give them headshots (even imitate the gunshot with your mouth) -MATT

To my comment below... Rest im peace MJ... Shhh! Mary Jane is resting!

When I have an argument with someone and they're correcting my grammar over a word that I obviously made up but they're grammar/slash spelling skills suck I want to end them.

Blow on your ice cream for no apparent reason before you eat it.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.