I play video games with the controller under the covers.


I sometimes go out of my way to make sure I have my iPhone with me in the bathroom while taking a poop.

When I walking the same direction as other people, I secretly race them and do the sports commentry in my head

Close the Facebook page, after not having a single message in hours, and re open it in a minute, expecting numerous new messages......

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I probably am the only one who does this but I climb on my cat's cat tree to see what it's like to be a cat o.o

I hid money in a jar behind a brick in the house I lived in and forgot about it. I've since moved to another state but I didn't remember I left the cash behind until years later.

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

Sometimes I pee sitting down and act like i'm a girl.

If I'm trying to read a clock or bulletin from far away, I instinctively stand and point at it.

When I'm walking I look up at nothing in particular and it causes everyone else to look up too!

Turn volume down on iPod or tv, then turn up one bar to make it seem like it's still loud.

I like to think I'm a Lion or cat.

I always have trouble leaving a airplanes lavatory I never get the door open

the time where you sit behind a person that smells like BO badly!!!

Fake an orgasm after only 30 seconds, watch the "wtf" look on her face then laugh hysterically.

rub your face on your legs after shaving to feel how smooth they are.

Hate when I can't sleep and the sun starts to come up and I hear birds chirping and i get worried and just realize that I should be happy that it's a new day and to relax.

Before posting a comment when you need several consecutive tries to type the words in the box because the lettering is so damn hard to read. But your friend can do it in one try. He got the easy one.

When in bed, I fold a small section of the covers in my hand to make a point and poke my fingers with it.

Shutting the fridge door slowly just to see the light shut off.

when you hear "tartar sauce" you think that it's actually made from tartar -MATT

Leftovers are better than the actual meal ;)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.