I'm not a pessimist I'm a realist.

speak proper english

masturbate as soon as the opportunity arrises. "You'll be home alone all day" "Ok, bye.....*fap fap fap*"

Sometimes I accidentally move my mouth in a way where it suddenly makes a random farting noise so I immediately just make more obviously made fart noises just so people wont think I actually farted. Is that only me?

When I hear footsteps approaching while I'm sitting on the toilet, I'm getting ready to jump at the door in case I actually forgot to lock it.

When ever I'm walking up or down stairs, i always have to step on the last step with my left foot.

My bedroom is at the end of the house, so when I turn the light out and sprint to the lounge room, thinking Jeff the Killer could get me...

worry about other people hearing you pee when your in the bathroom.

Think that some minutes feel shorter than others

Drink out the carton (your whole family prob does it)

Whenever I hear a baby or a young child scream very loud, I imagine that their head will explode.

when i'm at the computer i say out of loud what i'm typing

When im alone in my car i talk to myself about lifes issues

Smell my fingers after I pick u pennies or unlock the door with my keys!

I always write b as d or d as b since I've learned the alphabet, and i hate my keyboarb cuz its on lower case every time.

Sometimes I blink and act like I am taking a picture with my eyes.

When I'm laying in bed in the dark and I close my eyes for a while then when I open them again I quickly scan for a light source just to make sure I can still see.

Wave my hand at automatic doors just as they open pretending that I have Jedi powers

When my girlfriend ask me what I am thinking about, I tell her I am thinking of all the great things about my last girlfriend.

When i was little i used to see people's cars shaking and wondered why they were listening to a song that just goes "BOOM BOOM BOOM"

when you are on EXCEL file on your computer, you scroll down so far, that it goes to 1000

Feels my beard with my tongue.

i leave tv on when i sleep...cant close it cause i hate to hear....noices...in my bedroom that cant identify......

In the summer when it's hot, I bring a fan into the bathroom when I take a crap.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.