When in bed, I fold a small section of the covers in my hand to make a point and poke my fingers with it.

Shutting the fridge door slowly just to see the light shut off.

when you hear "tartar sauce" you think that it's actually made from tartar -MATT

Inspect the shower, bath or toilet, then washing it until you believe it is suitable to use.

watch reality t.v. when you're feeling guilty and think to yourself "at least I'm not as bad as that"

I hate when my mom hangs my underwear on the clothesline outside.

getting furius wen ppl hav bad speling n grammer

My parents are annoying.

sometimes *sigh* sometimes I-I-I-I feel like the third or fourth most useless invention! Moral: BUAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

I brush my teeth with the tap on because it sounds weird brushing in silence.

Go through a bunch of the boxes with the messed up letters (The ones making sure your not a robot) trying to find one you like. Then, click the refresh button and realize that the last one might have been the best one you were going to get.

I like asking my wife how her SIMIANS are doing (the sims 4) because its fun watching her try to hide the fact that it annoys her. Nero, now if you thought Moral Man the Friendly neighbourhood r*pist was bad... Well, thumb me down I dare you! Seriously I totally did not have a certain bitch turkish hacker put a tracker on my laptop si I can find out where you live... And pay some guy to break your kneecaps... I only done it twice though... Here on horsehead network :) Third time is a charm ;) NERO: Actually I paid people five times, the fourth did not do his job, so I pay a fifth to FINISH HIM! (Sometimes I think people on craigslist just like to kill for the fun of it, seriously, eighty bucks?)

Looking up your teachers on facebook just to look at their photos

Whenever I'm in the shower, I never close my eyes because I think someones gonna kill me

When in the shower hit the plug like a bath then just sit there for a few minutes as the water fills up.

make south park refferences every day

that time where you open the fridge door and stare at it for like 10 min then close it and walk away?

that movie-like moment when you want to rush out to dance in the rain

while i'm doing something,i think a suitable soundtrack for it.

When you cringe as you walk out of a store because you're paranoid the door will beep...

Drop something down the side of the couch, say that you'll get it in a minute and then forget about it

Pee in the shower

Waiting alone inside a public toilet for someone to come in and open the door.... so you don't have to touch the handle!

Right after moving to a new place I check my room for hidden cameras.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.