When I'm laying in bed in the dark and I close my eyes for a while then when I open them again I quickly scan for a light source just to make sure I can still see.

Sometimes I blink and act like I am taking a picture with my eyes.

When i was little i used to see people's cars shaking and wondered why they were listening to a song that just goes "BOOM BOOM BOOM"

when you are on EXCEL file on your computer, you scroll down so far, that it goes to 1000

Feels my beard with my tongue.

i leave tv on when i sleep...cant close it cause i hate to hear....noices...in my bedroom that cant identify......

In the summer when it's hot, I bring a fan into the bathroom when I take a crap.

i have conversations in my head about showing someone some music and end up playing specific parts of various songs on my ipod and memorise the timings just in case it does happen

Zoning out while looking at something and then trying to find the spot you were looking at when you're out of the zone but you can't find it.

Sometimes hold a piece of chocolate between your fingers until it melts then lick the yummy gooeyness off your fingers

When I am about to thumb up a comment here that has not happened to me, I first stop myself thinking "but that has not happened to me" then I remember I thumb up comments just because I like them and proceed to do so most of the times

i pull for the chicken when peter and the chicken fight on family guy cause peter is a jackhole

humiliating little girls

Looking at something suggestive on your computer and worrying that someone else in your family can see what you're doing on their computer.

While in the "try on" rooms of a clothing store, check myself out in the massive, wall mirror that's in there... and/or get nervous that someone is watching me.

My daily agenda: wake up take a crap get out of bed...

Use the 0.3141592653589793238462643383279502884 second rule

I pick a green crayon from crayon box but it's one of those yellow-greens that look yellow and now my clover will be half yellow forever.

I have never watched Star Wars.

I always feel chinese accents are unintelligent.

when you get a runny nose suddenly checks for blood oh good its clear

RE:" pee on the side of the toilet" you dont pee on the side of the toilet so it isn't loud. you pee on the side so it doesn't splash on you're legs as much.

Every time I see a pretty girl,the first thing I think is how I'd love to pin her down and tickle her.

really wonder why there is so much talk about pooping and farting on this site

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.