Sometimes I think of doing really bad things and smirk, only to later regret even thinking of it and start questioning myself while feeling bad about it.

Dutch oven myself when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep

Leave those last one or two sheets of toilet paper after taking a crap just so you don't have to replace it.

I always have to watch the credits of a movie even, though everyone else has left the theatre and there are people cleaning up the seats, which makes me think, they think i'm crazy.

When I take a shower, I screw with my iPod for a half an hour "Waiting for the water to warm up".

Put a few bits of toilet paper in the toilet before having a poo so there is no splash!

I wonder do females have morning wood equivalent?

On YouTube , I try to find the clearest music

Walk into a public bathroom and go to the urinal, but then stop and think theres some guy who will perv on you and then go in the cubicle.

Try to stop thinking but then just start thinking I'm thinking

I cover the mirror on my bedroom door with a sheet at night, because I think the shadows casted in the mirror are gonna get me.

Fart at work when I'm pretty sure no one will come to that area soon.

Sometimes I reflect on my life and just feel humiliated.

Try to figure out if some of the posts were written by the same person.

Say 'she's not here' when someone that I don't know calls and asks for me.

Get extremly pissed off when everyone on youtube thinks that only guys use the website and call you "dude" , "bro" or "sir" when they respond to a comment you posted -_-

When in a public toilet, I never leave the cubicle until everyone is either out of the room or in their own cubicle.

Sometimes when I look at a clock the seconds hand ticks backwards

Think about having sex with the dog. You wouldn't, but what if you did?

Wonder what would happen if you started screaming and defecating in public.

Stop singing about weed when you see a cop car.

Rubbing the corners of your lips on the side of your hand and smelling it.

have you ever thought of a relative when masturbating?

Every time you use a vending machine you hope you get lucky and 2 things drop down.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.