have you ever thought of a relative when masturbating?

I like to record the audio from TV shows and movies onto cassette tapes from my stereo, and listen to them on my Walkman while I'm working in the kitchen or around the house.

Look in the fridge 10 times without eating anything

get a really delicious smelling soap or candle and feel sad when you remember you can't eat it.

Courtesy flush.

When im out with my dad in the car i swear traffic lights always seem to go to red when were coming

I hate people who shows-off their SLR Cameras. I mean, so you're a human now because of that?

Sometimes when I look in the mirror I act out a scene like Tyra banks coming up to me and asking me to be on America's next top model.

While playing a video game, narrate it explicitly in your head, e.i., stringing together absurd amounts of obscenities and scream them telepathically at your foes.

When you're chatting with a friend while you're walking around and not really paying attention then you turn around to took at your friend and you realise you've been talking to someone you don't even know the entire time.

Masturbate. Sometimes two or three times a day.

I talk through my teeth when i am talking to my pets.

when you wake up in the morning to a text and you read it with one eye open

when you're walking down the streets and you listen to your iPod, you pretend you're part of the music video for that song and when no ones looking, lip sync to the lyrics, as if the camera man's filming you >.

I think my friends are dumb! I love them so much!!

When I'm in the shower, I talk to myself, usually about my plans for video game procedures.

Take pieces of loose hair and keep it in a plastic bag in my wallet so if I ever get killed and my ID stolen, my body can still be identified.

When bored you watch the minute hand on a clock and try to see if you can see it move

I have to make a breathing hole for fresh air to come in when I am laying under a hot blanket.

I get mad at women because they menstruate and that's gross. I don't judge one woman individually for it, but I'm disgusted with the whole gender, which leads to being almost disgusted with myself for being attracted to them.


I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

When I piss in the toilet (naw, naw in the microwave, god) I try to pee on one side so the bubbles spin around the flush to see if it keeps spinning

I thought I was disgusting until I read the top voted things here. Floral: Actually pretty neat.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.