stare at someone then when they turn around look all around the room pretending you weren't looking at them

that time where you open the fridge door and stare at it for like 10 min then close it and walk away?

If i've been thinking about a particular person a lot, afterwards if people are telling a story or describing a scenario, I always picture the person I was thinking of before as the person as the main character in their story/scenario.

Sometimes when I'm bored I start shouting things in German.

putting your hand in the water in the back of the toilet and thinking its gross toilet water and get grossed out

Stare blankly at your desktop when someone walks in the room so they won't know that you were watching porn lol

i noticed that a lot of people pronounce "LOL" like roll. Am i the only one that reads it as L. O. L. (el oh el) ????

Lightly touching your stomach or other body parts with your fingers to get that tickling sensation.

Get somewhat worried about myself if I'm thumbed down on THIS SITE.

Write something down here so that it seems like you think its normal when your actually really paranoid that its not.

I type a comment here and secretly feel special

realize that no one is listening to me talk so I say something completely random to try and get there attention

I always feel as if someone is always watching me on a screen where ever I am, and every person in the world is also being watched as well

Thinking epic thoughts like "Man, had a great workout today" just in case someone is reading my mind.

I try to say something, but a bunch of people are talking at the same time so I yell at them to shut up and as soon as I say something I realize I was wrong so I say"okay" as calm as possible to keep from looking like a douche

If I'm at work and have to poop, when I get in the stall I look under the opening at the bottom for any other feet in the other stalls to make sure I am alone. I always think what if when I do that someone else does it at the same time.

When standing in long lines (stores, banks etc..) I think about how other people would react if I puked all over the place with no warning.

My bedroom is at the end of the house, so when I turn the light out and sprint to the lounge room, thinking Jeff the Killer could get me...

When I go to use my laptop if my cat is sleeping in my chair I would use it somewhere else and leave her alone.

I worry because I keep wondering why I worry.

I piss in the bed every night

I'm in the middle of a good dream but I wake up and try to go back to sleep to finish it when it never happens.

Get bored of regular porn and watch some bestiality just for the variation.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.