Take pieces of loose hair and keep it in a plastic bag in my wallet so if I ever get killed and my ID stolen, my body can still be identified.


I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

i see things on this site and am secretly glad im not weird like everyone else

When I piss in the toilet (naw, naw in the microwave, god) I try to pee on one side so the bubbles spin around the flush to see if it keeps spinning

I thought I was disgusting until I read the top voted things here. Floral: Actually pretty neat.

When the T.V switches to commercial sometimes I forget what I was watching Noel

I'm in the middle of a good dream but I wake up and try to go back to sleep to finish it when it never happens.

I rate certain songs on my iPod higher than others because if someone else is checking out my playlists, I don't want them knowing how much I really love that super cheesy song from the early 90's (even though every time it comes on, I hit repeat at least 3 times and sing aloud as loudly as I think I can get away with. I really, really love that song!).

I hit the frig after sex

Anytime I walk in anyplace with cracks in the ground (tiled floors, cement squares, etc.) I do my best to avoid stepping on cracks in fear of something happening if I do.

look for old friends on facebook to see what they are up to now

If someone tells me what I did when I was drinking and it's stupid or embarrassing I pretend I don't remember because I was too drunk.

Love the natural smell of my dog's paws.

Turn off light in bed... notice something you haven't seen before. IT'S SLENDERMAN You turn the light back on and realized it was a lamp

I don't care about who a celebrity dates or marries. Why should I?

turn the cover of a magazine around because i have a weird paranoia that the government slipped in tiny cameras on the eyes of the person in the cover.

When I get in the car I look in the backseat for monsters or psychopathic killers and as I am turning to check I say out loud 'Oh, maybe my book is in the backseat, let me check' so the monster or killer doesn't know I'm really looking back there for them. That way they might not kill me.

If I have to get up early the following day I will surprisingly wake up early even without an alarm

Pull your headphones away from your ear when you're listening to music to see if it's too loud.

when you've done everything you wanted to do on the internet and stop and just stare at the screen.

I feel that getting a 98 on a test is better than getting a 99.

I know it is pointless but still hope to get THUMBS UP

I watch American football with the sound down low because the announcers are always trying to tell us that we didn't see what we just saw when the referees make bad calls

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.