I wonder why the word ISLAND has an "S" in it?

pretend you have a fishing pole and are reeling in cars to pass them when your in the passengers seat going down the freeway.

A lot of times I believe things I see or things that happen are "signs" of something.

Delete the whole password when I mess up only the one letter.

Think that some minutes feel shorter than others

log out of any social network sites so that when im on a website it doesnt somehow send messages to my profile

TV turned on just so... Makes you not feeling alone or because some other unknown (or) irrational reason.And of course, feeling guilty cause you spending energy and money but still... Most of the time you just don't care.

I always write b as d or d as b since I've learned the alphabet, and i hate my keyboarb cuz its on lower case every time.

When I'm in a public place with a lot of people, I sometimes imagine myself being an epic hero saving everyone there from a monster or some sort of bad guy.

When peeing at a urinal, move my stream back and forth the coat as much of the wall as I can.

Save more than once on your favourite game.

1. When you're downstairs at night you go upstairs as fast as fucking possible. 2. When you switch volume in TV, the second number has to be 0 or 5.

I pee on the bathroom sink everytime, because I am lazy to open the toilet, even when I visit other people, sorry friends and family =)

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

Open my mouth while doing my mascara... it's impossible not to!!!

Multi task while your brushing your teeth and forget you have a tooth brush in your mouth.

cover myself in vaseline and roll around on the floor pretending im a slug

I put toilet paper in first before i poop, so the water dosent splash me.

I don't know about anyone else but I really felt bad when the Lich killed Prismo in Adventure Time

Dutch oven myself when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep

I imagine that there are lines coming out from things and I don't step on the lines (columns, buildings, walls, corners, etc.)

I always have to watch the credits of a movie even, though everyone else has left the theatre and there are people cleaning up the seats, which makes me think, they think i'm crazy.

Sometimes when I fart while sitting down, I lift one leg up.

When something funny happens think of it a couple days later than laugh,everyone then looks at me weirdly.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.