Wipe my hands on a cold glass to clean my hands

Pretend my ski pole is a gun while I'm on the chair lift. Or just any object around when I'm not skiing.

Sometimes when someone says something to me, I will hear them perfectly clear, but I will instinctively say "what?"

I like to lather my entire body with Nutella and put paper in my hands and stand there acting like a tree.

get under the covers and curl up into a ball to get warm really fast

Run faster down hotel corridors.

Going to the very last pages of "Things you think you only do" with the lowest ratings and realizing that they really are the only ones who do that stuff...

Feel bad about hurting someone a long time ago, when I was a child, and wish I could speak to that person and say "I'm sorry." Cringe whenever the thought of the incident rises.

I have the background on my computer a picture of some cartoon characters,and when I'm alone I talk to the screen like those characters are actually in the room. -Briarwoodninja

get annoyed when people talk on the phone really loudly in front of the TV, forcing you to mute your show, resulting in you missing half of what the people are saying.

Chew as quietly as possible when eating cookies but as loud as possible when eating fruit.

When theres a car just like yours right next to your car in the parking lot you almoat always gravitate to that car instead. It's the worst when there people in the car and you keep trying to open it.

Wipe the salt off your hand on your right pant leg after eating salty fries from fast food restaurants.

I sometimes put posts not just of things I do but also of things I know other people do

When I'm making a weird face, I remind my self to stop before it gets stuck like that.

(I have made this mistake mostly when I'm at the movies) When the cashier gives me the ticket and says enjoy the movie because I am so used to people saying have a nice day I say you too!(FACE PALM)

You look over the edge of a tall building/structure, and have that sudden urge to jump off.

I think any disasterous accidents will not happen to me.

when i wake up from a dream and it was an amazing dream. then i try to fall back asleep to have it again...it doesn't work

Save more than once on your favourite game.

When it's as quiet as possible in the classroom in the middle of the period and everyone is silently doing their work.... I suddenly think of something REALLY funny and spend the next half hour awkwardly grinning trying my hardest not to burst out uncontrollably.

My login password is INCORRECT so if I forget it my computer will say "your password is incorrect"

When I have my headphones in, and I'm miming the words to a song in the bathroom pretending that I'm playing a gig. I put the tap on to make sure no one hears me dancing.

I am a masculine guy but in private I listen to very sensitive songs. ie: careless wispers

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.