If people knew what I am really thinking about while they are talking to me... YIKES!

Wonder why every single kid is looking at you in a restaurant.

Feel really paranoid until my game score is a multiple of 5

When I watch porn, I only watch like the first 5-10 minutes of it. To be honest I wonder why people bother making them longer too.

Believing in the kindness of strangers

Sitting down in the shower

start telling someone a story and then realize that i would only be funny if they actually saw it.

I have autofocus in my eyes.

When I'm watching something or playing something and the character goes underwater, I hold my breath until the character reaches the surface. This is weird as hell, does anyone else do this?

when i listen to music in my earphones, i always pretend its me performing the song to an audience.

Know almost every line from spongbob episodes.

Nodding while talking on the phone then remembering the person can't see you

Stare at something long enough thinking it will eventually move.

Kill Jb without getting aressted.

stare at someone then when they turn around look all around the room pretending you weren't looking at them

Doing a little dance after having sex because your so proud you're a FATHER!!! - Uncle Jerrett

When someone wants to kill a bug, I'll get insane and catch the bug, then run out and release the bug while saying "NOW YOU'RE FREE!!!!!"

Open the microwave door exactly when your food ends.

Sometimes I feel that my reflection in the mirror will stop doing what I'm doing and either jump out and grab me, start telling me about her reflected life, or give me a mission to free her from her mirror life.

I take a poop and then stand up to pee because I'm a man

Do a little half laugh, then when someone looks at you, you realise that it wasn't even funny so you pretend to be clearing your throat.

Say to yourself "I really should get that work done" then do nothing about it

Pretend to listen to music, but just do it so nobody talks to me or i simply just ignore them.

Tryng to run away from, or at least be faster than my shadow.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.