When standing in long lines (stores, banks etc..) I think about how other people would react if I puked all over the place with no warning.

Sometimes I imagine that I am in a coma and all of the things of this world are not real. Then when I wake up from the coma I will be the best inventor of all time.

Pretend to be texting to look popular in public

When sitting or laying down, tell yourself to get up in your head but see how long your body can resist your commands, and end up yelling at yourself to move in your head while still sitting/laying down.

thinking "what if people can read my mind" then cant stop thinking dirty things about people around me

I DO wish I had the ability of the guy in the comment below me. Moral: Yeah I have to type moral down here, because its awesome and because whatever its awesome!

Be best friends with someone and tell them all your secrets and then they become best friends with someone else and you hope they won't tell your secrets

Put the towel near the shower so that you can stand on it and not get the floor wet

Imagine flying things and epic battles when listening to music.

Try to acomplish getting the rest of your meal reaady before the microwave timer goes off.

Try to do things while waiting for the microwave.

Run into a wall and say "I'm sorry" and then realize that it's just a wall.

Wash my hands after i use the toilet.

I imagine that there are lines coming out from things and I don't step on the lines (columns, buildings, walls, corners, etc.)

my favorite singer is Bles Bridges 22/07/1947-24/03/2000

Pretend the legs of a chair are the barrels of a mini gun while moving them.

i open the cuboard door tosee if theres anything to eat and if theres nothing there i close it and go to the fridge if theres nothing there i go back to the cuboard =)

get annoyed when the pop-up lid on the dish soap bottle is left up

Tear up when I poop

When a teacher at school leaves a line of pen on the big whiteboard, my attention can NOT be drawn from it.

I put the volume on my television so it is on any number divisible by five (5-10-15 etc. etc.)

I spin around in a spot, and then close my eyes and tilt my head up and to the opposite side i'm spinning to. It just feels awesome and it's even better while listening to music.

See a sexy girl, wanna go up and talk to her....cant think of anything cool to say and afraid of denial. Just me?

I want to hire a private investigator to follow a private investigator who was hired to follow the first investigator.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.