Feeling stupid when you're watching a funny movie and you laugh by yourself. So you look around and stop laughing.

Pee in the shower

Sniff or tap to a rhythm to some sort of beat I composed in my head...

Get scared of the dark while in bed, so you make sure all limbs are tucked nice and tight under the covers. Once done, you now feel safe..

When no one is around, kick a push door open to feel like a badass.

When the good guy in a movie is in a bad situation, I imagine myself doing something different that seems more legit.

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

Mayada stupid

Try stick to something but fail in the end

I never take drinks into smelly places, out of fear that the smell will somehow get into my drink and contaminate the taste.

1. When you're downstairs at night you go upstairs as fast as fucking possible. 2. When you switch volume in TV, the second number has to be 0 or 5.

Poking my self under the covers just to not falleth asleepeth (t -_-)zzzzzz

Scratching with the wife's/girlfriends hair brush.

I see something glittery, someone tells me not to pick it up because I'll glitter all over myself, I pick it up anyway and glitter all over myself.

I put toilet paper in first before i poop, so the water dosent splash me.

Try to make a turd that touches the bottom of the toilet before it breaks off.

Going to the bathroom in public just to scratch my butt

Wanting to change your name to Peter Jankins

The volume level on my TV has to be either an even number or a multiple of five.

When I tell human garbage that I am the Fallen Angel, they laugh at me, then I make them spontaneously combust. Moral: What moral whore?

Pulling the same faces as the character you are reading currently is.

walking up steps in the dark and you think you've gotten to the top but there's actually one more step and you panic because you think your going to fall

Pretending there is a man running beside you during a long car journey and jumping over obstacles

Being stuck in a traffic jam and wishing I could just apparate

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.