I was the real Stig...

laugh whenever I see an infomercial where the hosts glorify their products to the point where it seems like they have found Jesus it is hilarious.

Talking to yourself in your head so you don't seem so crazy.

Sometimes I wonder if my life is a dream and oneday I'll wake up as a newborn baby

Lightly touching your stomach or other body parts with your fingers to get that tickling sensation.

Sing every word to Bohemian Rhapsody every time you hear it in the most dramatic way possible.

A mix of Slenderman and Herobrine would be the ideal husband for me. >:)

sometimes i feel like the person i look at in the mirror is not my own reflection

Start the shower so no one hears you shit bricks

feel like your calculator is judging/making fun of you for looking up simple equations

dip my fries in ice cream! sometimes in soda. It's good!

Constantly hearing your name in public and asking "did you just hear my name?"

make it a point of interest to know every word to a song that nobody likes. (i.e. call me maybe) >.>

When someone starts waving and saying hi then I start waving and saying hi even though I have no idea who it is only to realize they are actually waving at someone behind me.

When I'm home alone, I start hearing random noises and think someone is breaking in.

Getting secretly pissed off when people don't like your birthday post on their Facebook wall.

I know how to Gleek on command. (Don't know what it is just look it up.)

Think that my ice tastes different than my water.

pretend you have a fishing pole and are reeling in cars to pass them when your in the passengers seat going down the freeway.

Delete the whole password when I mess up only the one letter.

A lot of times I believe things I see or things that happen are "signs" of something.

When I am in a bind and I know I need help I just say " I gott this" and things work out

When I'm in the shower, you think of arguments that can occur, then think of good comebacks to say to your opponent. And when it actually does happen in real life, you don't have the courage to say it.

When an ice cube fall on the floor I kick it under the fridge.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.