fart and then breathe it in really quick hoping no one else smells it first

I randomly hold my boobs in my room.

Lay between the wall and the bed when the bed is pefectly fine

That feeling you get where you slip on something but you save yourself just in time and your just like "holy crap, i almost cracked my head and died," then two minutes later your legs are still shaking

Whenever I pull a long hair from my vagina or butt, it feels good.

You tell your friends that you hate the Rick roll'd song even though you secretly like it.

use tweezers to pull out leg hair or armpit hair out of sheer boredom.

Ur mum

Have one of those days where you think it is just a dream but then reality takes over

not eating the ends of a hotdog.

Use the toilet shower to wipe your a**, but denies the fact until death for your friends.

when passing someone in a car beside you, you try to wonder where they are going just by looking at them, their clothes or their expressions

recycle the peanuts in my poop to make organic peanut butter

Think of something really hilarious to put on the internet, read the rest of a post, and then forget what you were going to write.

Think of all the perverted and disgusting things that I'd like to do to the women at work then feel bad for being a vile and disgusting person, then kind of feel turned on anyway lol.

never push to hard on the railing of a tall building, just in case its loose and you end up falling off.

I have tried jumping in an airplane to see if I fall in the same spot

Not wanting to think about something but your brain thinks about it because you are trying not to think about it so much.

Get annoyed when I click on the "popular" button and it's always the same things.

When walking on stairs, always counting how many of them there are.

Sleeping with one leg under the blanket and one out.

When I'm watching something interesting on TV, sometimes i realize they I'm making a weird face so i make sure that i make my face go back to its normal position. This way, my face won't get stuck like that

You see someone do something cool and imagine doing it in front of all your friends

What do you call a rapist in your house? Your father.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.