Roll my eyes with them closed when I am annoyed with someone

filling your mouth with water in the shower and spitting it at the wall.

when listening to pandora just skip through the songs and hit the like or hate buttons and not listen to the music,but then when you want to listen to the music you can't because theres no wifi

If im taking a crap in the public washrooms and someone walks in I try to make covering noise as soon as its about to plop.

Read this site's posts, think of something awesome to write but then forget it because you decided to read more and finish the page rather than write it immediately.

Realized with 7 billion people, there is a chance that someone else on earth is doing exactly the same thing as me at any given time.

When i am home alone i think there are hidden cameras in my house and wave at objects that might conceal the camers to scare the people looking through them

When someone starts waving and saying hi then I start waving and saying hi even though I have no idea who it is only to realize they are actually waving at someone behind me.

Say something smart in class, then worry your friends will rip ony uo for it half way through saying it, so end it by saying "or something like that."

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Sometimes I get annoyed when I realize none of my friends ever eat vegetables or drink anything but sugary soda`s and are somehow as healthy, sometimes even healthier than me.

Wonder if I have a twin across the world and he makes all the opposite decisions.

Burp, and then automatically say burp afterwards.

Not likeing something someone posted because you have a secret crush on them and you don't want them to think you check there Facebook too much.

When I can't find my phone so I panic and shearch everywhere only to find out it was in my pocket.

I never take drinks into smelly places, out of fear that the smell will somehow get into my drink and contaminate the taste.

You think about all the stupid things you did in elementary school and avoid anyone who went to your elementary school in high school.

When i talk i say i like how or i hate that.

hover over public toilets and end up leaving a sprinkling of pee that lands uniformly all over on the seat then use a big wad of TP and my foot to wipe down the seat.

Covering the movement sensors with toilet paper on public toilets incase it's a secret camera.

Try to stop a stopwatch exactly on 1 second with no extra milliseconds

Sometimes I turn on my bedroom fan at night just so i can use heavier blankets.

When i go into a public toilet and one of the cubical doors is slightly shut, I will be really quiet or slightly push the door to see if anyone is in there.

When I look at a clear blue sky, I'm convinced that I see little tiny floaty things, and think that I'm seeing air molecules.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.