Read something strange and funny that you don't actually do, then say: "whaat?" And lough and everyone around you just look at you not knowing why you're talking to yourself an laughing.

Say something smart in class, then worry your friends will rip ony uo for it half way through saying it, so end it by saying "or something like that."

When no one is home, I poop with the door open, just because I can.

When alone and listening to music I pretend that I am the artist and dance around the room like its the music video or I am on stage.

If I'm at work and have to poop, when I get in the stall I look under the opening at the bottom for any other feet in the other stalls to make sure I am alone. I always think what if when I do that someone else does it at the same time.

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

Thinking, "What is wrong with this generation"

watch lesbian porn instead of normal because you hate have other men in the picture

i feel all weird and sad when i thing about my old belongings.

log out of any social network sites so that when im on a website it doesnt somehow send messages to my profile

I put a cigarette lighter in a fireplace, anyone else?

Can't stop tears from comeing to your eyes when singing

Imagining how it would feel to switch bodies with your crush

When i talk i say i like how or i hate that.

I pretend to get future messages. Like when I'm about to have a bad subject. I get a message from future me telling present me like 'Oh god. Yeah, brace yourself for science today.'

Covering the movement sensors with toilet paper on public toilets incase it's a secret camera.

sometimes when im in the shower and i hear the slightest bump i look behind the curtains to see if anyone is about to scare me

When I am making toast I spread the butter or jam with a spoon

Toss something across the room toward the place it belongs, get excited when it lands upright/ perfectly in place, then immediately regret you weren't recording it.

Surfing nsfw subreddit at work

I still hum songs that I made up when I was a little kid

Nero the clit collector. What+ you never collected stamps, coins or something? YOUR CRIMES! WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES FOR FUCKlNG CRIMES SAKE ETC.

Get excited when the captcha says something related to whatever you're posting

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.