I thought the 2013 film Frozen could have gone longer

doesn't eat meal until desired tv show starts.

I'll imagine that I'm having a conversation with a celebrity, and either giving them advice or telling them why I hate them and calling them out on bullshit.

Vote for the other guy

When I post a picture on a Horsehead Huffer site that I made on Microsoft Paint, and it ends up being one of those that never load, I go back on Paint and save it again. Then I repost it, and it works.

trying not to laugh when reading things that you do in "Things You Only Think You Do" in fear your parents will mistake your laughter as you fapping.

Wish that illegal Mexicans would stop driving drunk without insurance and crashing into legal citizens who pay taxes and insurance leaving us with a debt in medical bills so that we cant afford physical therapy.

I sometimes deliberately miss buses or trains even though I could easily board them.

putting your hand in the water in the back of the toilet and thinking its gross toilet water and get grossed out

when listening to pandora just skip through the songs and hit the like or hate buttons and not listen to the music,but then when you want to listen to the music you can't because theres no wifi

I sit up all night on the computer/xbox then when people ask if i have slept i just lie and say yes to avoid the drama.

Thinking that out there, on this earth in a lost city, there is an awesome clone of you.

try to make myself sneeze because I like the feeling I get when I do

When I can't find my phone so I panic and shearch everywhere only to find out it was in my pocket.

I take a dump and then look to see how big it is.

I find it easiest to read or study while sitting on the toilet.

Tip my couch over to dig for something I have lost and then end up finding a bunch of random crap.

brush the dandruff from my eyebrows

wake up in the middle of the night and write your dream if you like it. Or just write all night and dont sleep all night for days at a time.

I always go to sleep with every single one of my stuffed animals in my arms at the same time because I think that they get lonely and sad if I pick certain ones. Then again I sometimes wonder if they secretly hate me and think I'm a weird creep for hugging all of them every night. I'm 24.

Embarassingly repeatedly use of the word "bro" when irritated or excited.

Point your finger to the sky when your favorite song comes on in the club or the radio

After waking up from being extremely intoxicated the night before, i check my phone and ALL my accounts on the internet to make sure i didnt make an ass of myself.

I just saw the D in Disney for the first time ever. My brain always saw a backwards G. I knew it was supposed to be a D, I just never bothered to fix it. There has been a G there my whole life.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.