close one eye or the other to move an object near by when I'm bored -Noel

brush the dandruff from my eyebrows

Sometimes when I'm excitedly hurrying out of the house, I skip for a brief moment.

When you need something from someone and you forget what it's called,So then you have to awkwardly explain it.

wake up in the middle of the night and write your dream if you like it. Or just write all night and dont sleep all night for days at a time.

Embarassingly repeatedly use of the word "bro" when irritated or excited.

After waking up from being extremely intoxicated the night before, i check my phone and ALL my accounts on the internet to make sure i didnt make an ass of myself.

Stop at the beginning of an escalator, and let the stairs drag you forward by just your toes.

doesn't eat meal until desired tv show starts.

I just saw the D in Disney for the first time ever. My brain always saw a backwards G. I knew it was supposed to be a D, I just never bothered to fix it. There has been a G there my whole life.

Sometimes when I kill a bug, i wrap it up in a giant wad of paper towels, put it in a plastic sandwich bag, THEN throw it away. just in case...

At night, everytime when i walk past that curtain lampost, it goes off.

The power to put a pointless super power on

I'll imagine that I'm having a conversation with a celebrity, and either giving them advice or telling them why I hate them and calling them out on bullshit.

I prefer to go to the bathroom with the door open.

getting excited when you find a recycled tissue in your robe/sweatshirt so you don't know have to get up to get one yourself?

I use my magic powers to give shaddy politicians their comeuppance (I don't have any magic powers lol)

I sometimes watch entire movies with the sound off and a good album playing.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

When in shower, I turn the heat to max for a few minutes to warm up the whole bathroom.

whenever i'm holding a kitchen knife, i feel super weird like i'm gonna stab someone.... its not like i would ever do that, but i think about what would happen if i just impaled the person that is standing near me with a huge knife.

When I go to use my laptop if my cat is sleeping in my chair I would use it somewhere else and leave her alone.

Thinking that out there, on this earth in a lost city, there is an awesome clone of you.

like it when you fart because it scratches your butt when its itchy

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.