Looking at this naked with a cat on you're lap.

While lying in the tub the water gets cold so u turn back on the hot water with ur feet bc u are too lazy to get up and turn it on with your hands

Teacher asks class a question, so I put my head down and pretend to take notes.

When I pee if there is already some toilet paper there I try to sink it with my pee.

Give your neighbors names from movies.

mindlessly touch my laptop or desktop PC's screen after having just used a tablet.

Praying to God even though you tell people you're an Atheist.

When riding in a vehicle at night, where the stars are visible, I feel like they're racing us.

In the car and sad song comes on you look out the window and pretend your in a movie.

Wiggle my foot befor u go sleep in bed!!??

Whenever we watch a movie or stupid educational film in school, I sleep.

When I have to use my hands to eat my steak, chew the bones etc (do not tell me that so far this is weird and unusual :P ) I wipe my fingers after each touch => use a whole pack of table tissues :D

sleep with your legs crossed like your meditating.

incognito mode on google chrome

If I'd see a grizzly bear in the forest I'd probably try to run away even though every sane person says that that's exactly the thing you shouldn't do

If I'm doing something that involves two ppl i race even if the other person doesn't know it and if i win i get a huge ass grin which is awkward sometimes

Imagining a friend can see everything you do during the day through telepathy.

When eating food leave back the food u like the most for last

Poking your eye to see the black circle at the corner of your eye

think your hitting your leg on a chair or desk, really someones foot

Get exstremly sad or depressed whenever you think about something you did that was embarrassing or something you regret infront of someone when that person probably doesn't even remember it....

Closed the door to the refrigerator super slow, just to watch the light turn off.

Turn on Fox News and wonder if I'm watching a bad comedy routine or news reporting.

Act like your on a cooking tv show when your cooking

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.