If I'm doing something that involves two ppl i race even if the other person doesn't know it and if i win i get a huge ass grin which is awkward sometimes

I take receipts out of the ATM's disposal slot in order to see how much money people that I've never met have in their accounts.

Before I go to bed I have to put one of my hands between my knees in order to warm up and get comfy.

incognito mode on google chrome

you spread your cheeks apart when you sit on the the tolet so that your poop does not touch your cheaks

I'm 30, but to this day I still have fantasies about rescuing the girl that I'm secretly in love with from a dangerous situation. The fantasies get increasingly ridiculous, sometimes they even involve superhero stuff. It's as if my own mind was trying to let me know that I should grow the f*** up.

Looking around in disgust at your messy room and then doing nothing about it.

Sometimes I wonder if every thing is real or just fantasy and I get really scared,creeped,depressed,and Anxious

Count how long it takes before you stop peeing.

When walking down a long hallway with someone else at the end, becoming self conscious that your eyes are watering up

When In the car, use th bug guts to ramp up all of the culverts and when you don't have a landing for a while, pretend that you got a speed bonus and are soaring with some amazing air.-dillon

wipe the bottle lid before i drink because i dont whant to taste what the other person had in there mouth...

If I'm in my room and I need to fart, I walk into someone else's room and fart in there so that my room doesn't stink up.

turn on my reading light when I get in bed just to check if there's a monster.

Pee in a glass and pour it down the sink, if someone is using the bathroom already.

Slate the game you playing but always go back for more...ie FIFA, Cod!!!

Sometimes I become paranoid that the ceiling is going to randomly come crashing down and kill me.

When I hear a sound that I don't know what is, while I'm in an unfamiliar place, I wipe off and then touch as many surfaces as possible. It makes me think that if I'm taken by some scary person, my fingerprints will be easily found. I'm not sure why that would help in many cases, but it makes me feel better.

close left eye, then right eye to see how things move....

If a donkey and a angle fish where to pro create what would be the out come? They can't mate a donkeys a mammal and a angle fish is a fish

When I'm stressed, I pick at the skin on my head and pull white flakes out of my hair. There's nothing more satisfying to me than that.

Being from another country and always thinking in english.

For the long meaningless comments below: I choose to decide to thumb the comments down and see them gone forever! Moral: Thats right, I spend less time on the webs, but here I am.

Put on different accents, ad talk to my self in the mirror.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.