when you bleed you suck your own blood

Thinking that you're the only person on Earth, and everyone else is there just to affect you.

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If there's a mirror i look if there's people around looking at me, and if there aren't it's ok to stare at my reflection.

I purposely try to burp as loud as I can in public. –Ikka.

If a donkey and a angle fish where to pro create what would be the out come? They can't mate a donkeys a mammal and a angle fish is a fish

Think about things I should be doing with my life.

Any time I break something, I always try to put it back so it looks completely normal. That way, the next person who picks it up will have it break right in their hands… Thus becoming their fault... -Ikka

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Laugh quietly to myself in public then cough to make the laugh seem like a it was a cough so people won't think I'm weird.

always picture someone naked even though sometime you really don't want to.

I invented this game in the bathroom called "start peeing before the light fully lightens up".Its kind of a challenge because if i actually succeed i might not pee in the right place.

I'm in my twenties and still don't drive.

pinch the tip of my dick when I masturbate.

Thinking about what you want to dream about while brushing your teeth at night.

I stare at people to see if they have a innie or outtie belly button

Sometimes when I touch something I have to touch all of the object and with both hands, otherwise I feel incomplete.

When I first start dating or seeing someone I write down options for conversation starters before I phone them in case it goes silent.

When I climb into bed every night, I always say, "Bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed," while shifting until I am comfortablely settled.

When I turn the volume up or Down it has to be a number with 0 or 5 in

feel legitimately bad for Wile E Coyote whenever he does not get the road runner

i eat choclate buns on easter for breakfast lunch and dinner.

im going to rape that girl

Start browsing a list of pics at the back, so I can see the order they were posted.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.