Drinking and dialing people I dated.

Accidentally try to downloade PC software on your mac.

I scrape the scum off my teeth with my fingernail and then I eat it.

Pretend to talk on the phone when you see someone you don't want to say hello.

Gotta sleep with a fan.

when im on my phone in bed my phone always falls on my face -.-

Saying "ouch!" when someone throws something and it hits an inanimate object.. -Sarah

I have one of those automatic shower cleaners. After I press the button, it beeps 15 times before starting. I have to get out my brush, get out the hair dryer, plug it in, and Turin it on before the 15th beep. Every time.

I think about all of the things of mine people will find if something happens to me

Lick my cell phone screen to clean it.

Create a post on this site, and then feel really depressed when I get a ton of thumbs down, even when I give MYSELF a thumbs up.

avoid using ketchup and mayo since they make everything taste like um... ketchup and mayo... which is kind of boring

Blow dry my dick and balls after getting out of the shower.

When riding in a vehicle at night, where the stars are visible, I feel like they're racing.

I keep tearing the little piece of skin next to my thumb nail until it hurts - and even if it bleeds I have to get it off.

when you say something and they go what? so you repeat it and they still didn't hear but once you say "forget it" they suddenly understood you perfectly.

See someone thats so hot all you can think about is seeing them naked all day.

On the train, try and mathematically make (add,subtract,multiply,divide etc.) the carriage number to get to ten

after ive done something, or experienced something. when i think back on the days events, i think to myself. "i think ive done that before somewere". i must have a boring existance. its always de ja vu with me.

take 30 pictures and only find 1 where you dont look like shit

When approaching a stoplight, I evaluate the vehicles in front of me to determine which ones I think will take off faster so I can get behind them.

Fart when i'm alone RIGHT before someone walks in... try to talk over the smell...

Had a dream within a dream, just like Inception. You woke up and it felt so real you were sure of it. Then a bit later you wake up again.

Take a side of bacon and jack off watching Babe.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.