Have a fantasy where Jesus Christ is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart while Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum.

sometimes playing on music on your iPod you think people will like even though you're wearing headphones and nobody can hear you

during texting you set your phone in your lap right before a car is about to pass you so they dont see you texting and driving

being a mid-teenager, never having a relationship before and don't care at all.

Wear hoods and sweatshirts in the middle of summer

Instead of having a nasty breaking up, I just disappear.

Be talking to someone about something random, then a few days later or so... something very relevant to that happens, then you think to yourself "I'm sure I can tell the future"... I'm very confident that, that is just me...

Clicking Yes to "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service" without reading one word of that stupid thing.

find a nice photograph of food from the web and post it on fb just to watch my retard friends make a big deal out of it.

hold my shirt with my chin when i'm peeing.

Purposely save one piece of homework untill Sunday night in case you want to get out of doing something boring.

Find different ways to crack your knuckles when you're bored. (I have found 7 ways to crack a finger and I can crackj my hand back

Everytime I get in my car at night, I turn the light on and check behind the back seats to see if there's anyone waiting for me. Then lock the doors when all is safe.

When ever I touch something a certain way I have to touch it again exactly like I did the first time

Press the Microwave open button at 0:01 to feel like you defused a bomb and avoided that stupid beeping.

When I'm trying to sleep if both my legs are under the duvet it's too warm. Both legs out it's too cold. When I have one leg out and on the duvet it's just right. I sometimes also put my leg against the wall when it's cold.

Sometimes I just space out for a period of time and completely forget that I'm breathing. Then when I snap out of it, I kind of breathe deeply because I thought I forgot to breathe.

Find something on this site that you actually do not do, and think how weird the person who wrote that must be.

Opens new book to random page. Reads snippet. Smiles to myself when I reach it 1 week later. -epsin

I'm paranoid of EVERYTHING. When I enter a room, I inspect it for cameras. When I'm in the bathroom I cover all the cameras on my iPod, Phone, etc. When I do something I'm not supposed to do on the computer (such as download music for free), I cover the webcam to assure the government can't see me. I control my thoughts 24/7 at fear that someone will read my thoughts. I have a strict feeling the someone is always watching me. I fear subliminal advertisements also. To sum everything up you could just read the first part. I DONT TRUST ANYTHING OR ANYONE! I'm Not sure if anyone else is as paranoid as I am...

Wally,you mean Obamney is the only choice?

popping the lenses out of 3D glasses and wearing them when your doing homework or studying because it makes you feel smarter.

get scarred shit less when some one burst though your door when it tacky

did you notice if you travel: when your going to the place feels like 10 hours but when going home feels like 4 hours

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.