Only taking half a biscuit because it makes you feel bad and then taking another half of a different biscuit.

Having cool food in your house and knowing your boyfriend is going to call you around 6 or so, so you start eating said awesome food at about 5:57. That way when your boyfriend asks what you're doing to can tell him you're eating _____ and he'll want to come over.

Leave the television on in my room when I go to bed, so I have some light and I can't hear all the creepy sounds that houses make.

You imagine your future self visiting you and tell you about your life.

Wally,you mean Obamney is the only choice?

When watching a video or listening to music, take earbuds out four or five times in repetition to make sure that no one can hear the audio but you, then check them again when someone comes within twenty feet of you. Then, spend the rest of the time feeling awkward and expecting someone to jump out of the bushes and take a video of that idiot with the defective headphones.

Mix my coffee with the spoon upside down.

cut corners when walking not because it's faster, but because it's more efficient

Having an OCD moment when the number of questions on a test is not a multiple of 5. I mean, who puts 47 questions on a test?! Or 53? English and Math teachers rarely do this but it's always the Histoy ones...

When I have a bottle in my hand and nothing to do in class. I read the nutrition facts and ingredients 2 to 4 times until the teacher says something.

I walk down the stairs sideways because I'm afraid something will get me.

Randomly flexing random muscles after long time of sitting at the computer

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Become paranoid that this is not the real world, and instead is some coma induced dream.

Try to imagine every couple I see having sex.

Open Fridge, look around for few seconds, say to self - 'What the f*** am I doing?'

Wasting a whole bunch of time trying to find how to make one and realizing it was at the top and that you forgot what you were going to put in the first place.

Clenching your teeth subconsciously, then wondering why your teeth hurt so much afterwards.

I have a cat that drops on it's side when she sees me coming

After eating a lot of junk food begin to fear that i'm going to get diabetes.

On YouTube, if someone comments a time in the video (or in the description) I always click it for fun, even if it doesn't work. Like if someone comments "it's 4:12 right now" on a 2 minute video I click the link.

Sometimes I see on the clock, the seconds needle go back 1 second and then never do that again for the rest of the day/week or whenever I'm staring at the clock for it to happen again. -Mike

Saying or doing something stupid, then later replaying it in your head and wanting to punch yourself in the face for it, then coming up with different ideas on how you could have been less stupid. -B

I am wearing ear buds even though I'm not actually listening to anything.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.