Sometimes I see on the clock, the seconds needle go back 1 second and then never do that again for the rest of the day/week or whenever I'm staring at the clock for it to happen again. -Mike

I use chopsticks or disposable latex gloves to eat sandwiches, chocolate, basically any finger food, because in my opinion, it's impossible to get that greasy, sticky film off my fingers.

I cannot stand mosquito's if I am asleep and I hear one I turn my light on so I can find it and kill it and I wont rest until I do

act like people from movies or shows just because my life is that boring

On YouTube when I go to like a comment or a video. I click the Like button 2 or 3 times just to make sure it went through.

I put salt on buttered toast...

I try to accomplish things while waiting for the timer on the microwave can go off.

I make a joke and laugh a little but if someone else laughs then i laugh louder

Get creeped out at seeing 11:34 at least once per day. The number even turns up everywhere in my life such as my jewelry store.

If someone asks me if I want something and they get up to get it and im sitting down, I say " oh I can get it" eventhough they are already up just to not seem like a lazy piece of shit

Any time I hear someone speaking with an accent, I start mimicking that accident. –Ikka

I precisley fold toilet paper , so that I can unfold it and use the other side

When I'm doing a spelling test, I spell a word and read it over and over again until it loses its meaning.

Write things on this site, because i cant sleep

Clicking Yes to "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service" without reading one word of that stupid thing.

My goal is to get as much as possible thumbs down at this post.

get bored so I fist myself for money

After I flush the toilet, I run out of the bathroom really fast.

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

Have a fantasy where Jesus Christ is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart while Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum.

When I wanted to sit on chair or anything, I'll wipe them first, in case there is something sticked on them

I turn on the faucet or turn up the radio in the bathroom so maybe no one can hear me pee.

Having cool food in your house and knowing your boyfriend is going to call you around 6 or so, so you start eating said awesome food at about 5:57. That way when your boyfriend asks what you're doing to can tell him you're eating _____ and he'll want to come over.

When listening to music I imagine myself and people in a movie scene that fits the music.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.