I always open up another tab on my browser, just in case I accidentally exit, so my computer can warn me that I will close 2 tabs.

imagine squeezing your bladder in your hand when your peeing.

scream after your in the ooh part of achooh when you sneeze.

Create my response for the whole conversation before even having it

I turn on the faucet or turn up the radio in the bathroom so maybe no one can hear me pee.

I put salt on buttered toast...

I plan to put money away everyday but never seem to do it.

I really like taking shits.

I precisley fold toilet paper , so that I can unfold it and use the other side

Any time I hear someone speaking with an accent, I start mimicking that accident. –Ikka

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Go back to the song if I don't here what they sang Kay

use any nearby window's reflection you walk by to check on appearance.

Sing really loudly and think you hear someone come in. yell "hello" for five minutes before singing again.

When in long car rides I imagine a little man running or on roller skates next to the car. When A car comes he turns into a ninja and can slide under/jump over or cut the car in half.

I cannot stand mosquito's if I am asleep and I hear one I turn my light on so I can find it and kill it and I wont rest until I do

If there is a big spider in the house I will act cool and take it out even though inside I'm screaming

Whenever your going down a flight of stairs with two rails, hold the two rails and go from the top step to the bottom.

sit on the toilet when taking a crap and play my iPod or laptop at the same time for something to do.

use my phone as an alarm clock for waking up. but sets the time in PM instead of AM.

When Ive just intentionally committed some minor traffic offense (speeding, illegal U-turn) and suddenly worry a cop may have spotted me and act to myself in the car as if I was truly confused and have no idea what I did wrong, like moving my head around and saying, "Huh? Where's that house?"

When changing the volume one my computer it has to be a multiple of 2

Think that everything has feelings for example, a cushion or a tree

When I'm bored I argue with myself inside my head.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.