Think you're breathing way too loud when your headphones are turned up

When i'm eating M&Ms, I save one of each color until the end so I can eat them all at once.

Go outside and pee.

become increasingly panicked when its dark and you cant find the door handle.

in my mind, traffic cones are called VLC.

Fart and walk away from the stink area very quickly so nobody will know you made it.

blow nose. look at kleenex.

when going to get a drink, i accidently pull out a bowl, or plate, later realizing what i did, i put it back, and get a cup

When I read something someone you know has written I read it in their voice.

I click that I have read the Terms of Service although I haven't read sheit

I often wonder if people ever talk about me, when I'm away.

When i want to write a joke on anti i laugh at my friends instead!

when liking something you like or dislike something you click it twice even though you know it will only take one vote

Pretend it doesn't hurt when someone I try for rejects me, but it does hurt, a lot.

hate it when the bottom of you foot is itchy because it feels wrong to scratch it.

I find it really hard to not respond a insulting youtube comment with a hopefully even bigger insult.

Yell at game shows when the people are stupid

I get angry when people use question marks where they don't belong. QUESTION marks are for QUESTIONS. Not statements or opinions >:( "But whatever I don't care I mean that's your opinion?" X FFFUU- "But whatever I don't care I mean that's your opinion." ?

dream about the most amazing guy/girl that you have a relationship with and hope it comes true

While washing your hair in the shower, having the weird fear of opening your eyes to see something staring at you.

In school look at the wall or something and feel like only a few seconds has gone by but really thirty minutes has

whenever I play I spy I always use very specific things I spy for example if I would say something starting with D and it would be for dust

Sweep up the dirt into the dustpan and sweep the stuff you can't get under the cabinet.

When people are whispering you think they are saying bad things

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.