When I'm reading a story in English class or a book in general but I'm tired while doing so and I'm reading on down the page, if I read a sentence and miss a word or mispronounce a word I MUST go back and re read the entire sentence until I have read it correctly or I feel very weird and panicked.

I use my phone's auto-correct to make sure the words I'm writing are correct.

Post one on this site thinking everyone will love you but then you realize you're the 2,833 person to post on this site and no one will ever see it. If this is still where it was when I posted it, then congratulations! You've read through 300 FUCKING PAGES! (that meant go get a job)

I don't cut a conversation on the phone short just because I have to use the "facilities". I've mastered the art of being as far away from the toilet while flushing and sprinting out of the bathroom.

When I'm alone, I just randomly say "I know you're there so I would look awesome if someone was actually there.

Think of the best come-backs ever, a few seconds after the time to use them would be.

sometimes I get so bored watching tv that I have an incredible urge to throw the remote at the tv. I would never do it, but I always fear I might and break the tv.

Like a toy until it breaks.

I repeat (in my mind) the person's name that I want to dream about when I go to sleep

When you're all alone, practice for an interview you're bound to have when you're rich and famous and say other people's responses when they are asked about working with you.

Laying in bed kind of hungry, knowing exactly what you want to eat, and going over all the steps involved (going all the way to the kitchen, making the food, cleaning up, going all the way back to your room, plus it's nighttime and something might get you) and trying to decide whether or not it's worth it to go eat now or just wait until you wake up.

Walking down stairs. Accidently miss last step. Feel like you're going to die.

i draw pictures of pokemon on comments (\____/) (??????)

Hot in bed? Stick one leg out and then wrap it around the top of the duvet

Whatever situation I am in, I always start to invent rhythms with everything i have around, e.g. my legs, voice, tables or sometimes even the ground.

When making something I pretend I'm making a YouTube video of it and pretend I am getting lots of views

Thinking that someone is seeing everything from your eyes while you are using the bathroom, and then quickly looking up to avoid embarassment.

go on a diet, buy a lot of healthy food, eat it all the same day. 2 weeks later repeat.

Reach past the first two or three slices of bread to get the better, fresher bread towards the middle.

Think of numbers as male or female.

When on a boring car ride, add up all the numbers on the licence plates I see.

getting a random wedgie when everybody is looking at me

I keep thinking a thing is about to fall from the table even though it's not close to the edge

When I'm at the checkout and paying with my card, I try to put my PIN in the card machine before the cashier has a chance to tell me to do it.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.