Cannot even read a word when a blonde lady sits in front of me in a library.

put an excessive amount of lead in your pencil

Even if it's something as innocent as a simple google search, I'm still inexplicably terrified when my parents draw near and could potentially see it. I silently flip out and frantically hide it like it's porn or something. ..And I don't even look at porn :I

Have to suddenly poop while shopping (mainly in Wal-Mart), but don't feel like traveling far to the restroom. So I kneel down in whatever aisle I'm in, casually shove my heel up my butt, and pick up some random item from the shelf and pretend to be interested in it. Finally, when the poop is secure in my butt, I'll put the item back and continue my shopping.

Pee in the shower.

Waking up at 4 am wondering where your pillow went.

I always have to google the name of this website, because I always put the words in the wrong consecution.

Not laughing at funny things on T.V. because nobody is around.

Apply hand sanitizer after fapping.

When I'm walking on the sidewalks, I make a game of how to walk on the pavement squares so I don't step on a line.

For some reason I really love to be hated on horsehead network, no idea why, stopped questioning it moments ago... Moral: Know what I mean?

Go to get a drink and by the time you get there you already forgot what you were doing.

Running round the house like I'm Lara croft or someone from a video game :D it's fun

I daydream and consequently spend twenty minutes having a dump

Naming you're offspring Peter Jankins

Turn the light off, run, and JUMP into bed. I'm 26.

Before I sing in the car, I always have to make sure I haven’t accidently butt-dialed anyone. –Ikka

Afraid to do something your crush is doing so they don't think you're stalking them, even though you really want to. -B

Whenever I go to a new place, I look around and carefully plan my escape route in case of zombies.

When in class, hoping that I do not get boner right before bell rings/called up.

draw the sun at the corner of the page

When I see something on facebook i dont like, I like it just so i can unlike it.

I always wonder if anyone has a crush on me.

When I'm trying to sleep and my mind's like, "Hey, know what's a good movie? Paranormal Activity!" Then I can't sleep for an hour - Brayden Everes

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.