Takes playful flirting way to seriouse.

every single time a sad song comes on your ipod you imagine yourself in a movie, gloomily looking out a window or sitting alone on a bench.

i just sit there thinking, how is it not butter?

Search "sex" whenever you see a dictionary.

I suck my shirt without realizing im doing it until people tell me.

stand in front of a mirror with your headphones in, and lip sync the words of the song playing to pretend you are singing in a music video

Stalk boyfriend's facebook, go to everything he's commented on, and comment too.

Play call of duty then go around shooting everyone in your mind for the rest of the day

Buy something and try to save it for an event of some kind and end up failing to do so, every darn time too.

Totally piss myself off by thinking of future confrontations that probably won't happen.

Sometimes I unintentionally mouth the words being spoken on TV.

when watching a movie in a big screen cinema, i unconsciously look at the bottom of the screen, midway through the movie, expecting to see a time/track/scroll bar. as if it was VLC media player.

I make a conversation with myself when looking at mirrors !

After using the restroom at someone's house I turn on the water and proceed to check myself in the mirror while the water runs and sounds like I'm washing my hands then I turn off the water and walk out.

I see some one I have a crush on in the hallway and I walk towards them and brush my arm against them and be like OMG I TOUCHED HER!

Looking up 'How to tell if your crush likes you' to get assurance that he/she loves you

Go to websites like this during school and laugh at the things I read. All around me other students are actually working and looking at me.

if someone posts something disgusting but true on this same site, rethink pressing the "thumbs up" button out of embaressment.

I flick through the channels on my TV really fast to try and make a complete sentence.

Sometimes when im in my bed and trying to fall asleep, i don´t want to open my eyes in case there is a murderer standing before my bed.

put a load of loo roll in the loo before taking a dump at work so it silences the landing.

Bathroom occupied, piss in the kitchen sink.

thinking that the 'writing comments procedure' on this website is extremely irritating.

Try to flip the dice at the casino to my number with my mind

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.