Totally piss myself off by thinking of future confrontations that probably won't happen.

Take out all the marshmallows in a bowl of Lucky Charms, eat the "cat food" (the dry cereal that looks like dry kitty food!), then put the marshmallows back in the milk and eat them!

Worry that I'm will go schizophrenic.

I have never disliked any video on YouTube with not many views ( no matter how bad it is ) because I feel bad for the uploader.

Looking up 'How to tell if your crush likes you' to get assurance that he/she loves you

I always cry when I pray.

get so shitfaced you wake up in a closet with piss everywhere

Go to get a drink and by the time you get there you already forgot what you were doing.

when I get a really good idea, I write notes in excruciating detail, as I believe my brilliance will quickly disappear and I will have no idea what I was writing about ..

I read your stuff at the interwebs and think "sons, I am disappoint" Moral: Lol, I just might be your father you know... But that does not mean you disappoint me anymore, I kinda expect your worst? Best? I mean... Are you doing your worst on purpose? WOW!

Wanting something so much. Getting it then wondering what to do next

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Smelling your armpits to see if you smell and then disguising at as yawn/stretch

Being the only one laughing at something on TV, then feeling awkward.

When ever a door is about to close I always try to put my hand between the door and stop it, but it gets to small and I get scared.

I make a conversation with myself when looking at mirrors !

Spending the night at someone's house and waking up and thinking your at your house then realizing your not

When I see something on facebook i dont like, I like it just so i can unlike it.

Instead of scratching my balls with my hand I rub them vigorously on the bed

Read for hours... then hear a narrative for everything you do after you stop reading. for ex: "Jen gets out of the car, shutting it with a loud bang. She walks towards the house, noticing the dead squirrel in the road."

I like eating chicken clubs with my hands and dip them in ketchup while pretending I am a caveman

When someone sits with crossed legs, I notice their lifted foot throb slightly with their pulse. It is really distracting sometimes.

when your walking past a chain link fence you slide your fingers along it because it feels cool

I flick through the channels on my TV really fast to try and make a complete sentence.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.